
URGENT!? im becoming really worried!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so this is kinda a mature male question!

please nothing like stupid.this is serious!

ok so im a 13 year old boy and like my p***s is really like dry.

the skin is almost peeling and it is like i guess ashy.

like i tried putting lotion on it several times but it doesnt help.

it started when i got out of the pool, it was a little dry. and once i got out of the shower that night it started to look kinda only the skin around the head is like it.including the bottom.

i think its the soap but i could be wrong.

please help im FREAKING OUT!

its not red and burning or anything.

but it itches more then usuall.

its been like this for 2 days now!




  1. Since it started when you got out of the pool, is it possible you've had an allergic reaction to the chlorine or pool chemical?  Most lotions have alcohol in them and will actually cause dry skin to become dryer over time.  Try using either vaseline, or baby lotion (like Aveeno) because then you avoid the alcohol.  You may have also picked up some kind of fungal infection (maybe from your towel?).  I know ringworm (which is the same fungus as athlete's foot and "jock itch") can cause dry peeling skin too.

    Why not go see your doctor?  If you're embarrassed, just tell your mom that you have a rash "down there" from the pool chemicals.  Also, keep in mind that your doctor has seen WAY worse things than a dry p***s :)

    Good luck!

  2. Talk to your mom, have her take you to the doctor.

  3. Well I don't know how much help you want to get in a Trying To Conceive area.

    Try a nappy rash cream. They work wonders for everything.

  4. You said it started when you got out of the pool correct. I am going to say you are having an allergic reaction to the chlorine. I know this sounds really weird, but I used to have the same things happen to my hands when I used chlorine to rinse dishes with at McDonalds. You already took a shower, so the next thing you can do is get some intensive care lotiona and lather it up really good. The chlorine sucked all the moisture out of the skin and that is why it is peeling. If that does not work then I would suggest going to a doc, but to save you the embarassment try the above first. It should help. Your mom probably has really good lotion around the house somewhere. It will take a few times of doing it to help, but it will relieve the itching alot.  

  5. Several things could be wrong.  You could be having an allergic reaction to anything, including chlorine, detergent, a new soap, etc.

    Since you said you got out of the pool, did you use a towel that had been laid on the floor, or a semi-wet surface at the pool?  Is so, you could have a fungal infection, similar to athletes feet fungus.  Believe it or not, a treatment for yeast infection, sold over the counter at most pharmacies could be the remedy.  Simply rub the cream over your entire p***s area.  It's normally sold for vaginal infections for women, but guys get them too, and it's possible, even without sexual contact.

    If you have had s*x, or if the symptoms continue, you'll need to see the doctor, because this could be a symptom of a venereal disease, and if you don't get treated now, it can do harm to your entire body, and your future fertility.  A few STD's can be cured, but not all, and any need treatment for sure.  Good luck!

  6. stop whackin it to the Jonas Brothers so much.

  7. I know it can be embarrassing but you need to see a doctor as there are many things it could be and nobody can dignose you over the internet.  

  8. You could be having an allergic reaction. I hate to say this online but sweetie if you are using the soap to handle your business in the shower that's probably what is drying you out don't do that, it bad for you and can cause a infection my son got one from it!

  9. Have your mom or dad take you to the doctor.  Something like that probably isn't anything to worry about but not knowing is the worst!  It could be the chlorine in the pool if you swim frequently, the soap you are using to shower with, maybe the laundry detergent used to wash the towel you used, or to wash the underwear you were wearing.....could be something simple like that so let the doctor check it out and you'll feel alot better.  Also, be very honest with the doctor and answer all questions truthfully to get the best possible diagnosis.  Good luck.

  10. your probably having an allergic reaction either to the chlorine in the pool or the soap you are using tell your mom or dad who ever you feel comfortable with an see a doctor only a doctor can help you out with your problem  

  11. change the soap...

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