
URGENT my dad beats up my puppy =(?

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help my puppy (black Labrador) is teething. so he enjoys play bitting us. i use techniques that online has to offer like making a loud yelping noise and leaving and giving him time out. however my dad thinks that play-bitting is a sign of aggression. recently he saw on tv a man dealing with aggressive dogs and using force and getting the dog to calm down. however i told him that the man on tv was dealing with aggressive dogs. he doesnt believe me because he is too stubborn and wants its his way. what he does is chokes the puppy by its own collar! This will seriously make him fearful and aggressive in the near future!

please HELP ME! I can't sleep knowing my dog will have psychological trauma! I am only 13 and my dad won't listen to me! he believes anything on TV like the moron he is! i would rather give him up than deal with the drama that my puppy is going through!

But this is only the last resort. i really love my puppy but he needs to behave or i must give him up =(




  1. When I saw this, I immediately thought of Animal Control.

    So, try talking to your dad. I know he doesn't listen to you, but you're going to have to make it clear and try to make a compromise. Your dad stops choking and hitting him, if your dog enrolls in some obedience classes.

    For now, I suggest you put on some kind of armour to protect yourself, lol.  

  2. This is horrible! Get him to stop, this is illegal and animal abuse. Call the cops or animal cops on him, do you love your puppy or not? Prove it by saving his life! Please, for me!

  3. Any reputable breeder (or parent, for that matter) will tell you, you dont respond to AGGRESSION with AGRESSION!! A dog owner should always be calm and in control. Labs are very responsive dogs, it does NOT take harsh measures to train them from doing a very natural (for a puppy) behavior. The best way is, like you said, respond with a loud noise and immediately end the play. Hopefully you can show the responses to your dad and he will get a clue...

  4. It may be better just to give the puppy up rather than putting it through abuse......wait until you move out and are able to take care, love, feed, and train a dog properly.    

  5. If your dad is stubborn and not willing to listen to suggestions about constructive training; you have two options:

    1.) Call the police and have him arrested for his behavior


    2.) Give up the puppy so that he can find a good and happy home with owners that do not abuse him.

  6. Show your dad this question and answers.

    I have raised several puppies.. some were to become guide dogs for blind, and I've also raised puppies as my own pets.

    Play biting is NORMAL behavoir!  All puppies go thru it!  You very rarely see true aggressive behavoirs in young puppies.

    Hitting and choking a dog will only teach it to be aggressive.  This is NOT the proper way to handle play biting.   Hitting and choking are also not proper ways to deal with an already aggressive dog anyways.  I dont know what show your dad watches, but it sounds like the "trainer" is an idiot.  Besides, you should never try to deal with true aggression on your own.  Also all tv shows are EDITED films.  Even Cesar Milan's methods take weeks and even months to be effective.  Cesar cant take an unruly dog and have it controlled within minutes like you see on TV.

    Many methods Cesar uses, such as the Alpha roll.. are DANGEROUS and you should not attempt to use them yourself.  If you have an aggressive dog, then you need to hire a trainer or behavoiralist.

    The best way to deal with play biting is to teach the puppy its not appropriate.  Yelp "OUCH" in a loud high pitched tone.  If the pup continues, yelp "OUCH" again and then ignore the pup for 10-15 mins.  This is how you communicate to a pup that "You're playing too rough, its not fun for me.. game over".

    Do also encourage the use of toys with play instead of your hands.  Praise your pup for appropriate interactions.  Dogs respond more to positive reinforcement than negative.

    Hitting, yelling and choking will only result in a fearful or aggressive dog.

  7. If i was you i would talk to your dad and ask him whats wrong with you. You shouldn't be kikking my puppy or any one's puppy.

  8. your dad is a bad man. give him a book on training a puppy or call a dog trainer and explain your story and im sure they'd help you and your dad

    good luck

  9. why dont you talk to your dad about enrolling your pup in obedience classes. hitting and choking a dog is not acceptable and if it was me and my dad i would call animal control on him, but thats just me. make sure the pup has a lot of toys.

  10. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to pay attention to what kids have to say.  So you get their attention another way.  Try to be creative, look for dog training shows on animal planet, maybe you have a mom or sibling, or even you, can look for a training video that explains how being aggressive to the dog is far worse than his puppy biting.  But make no mistake, that the biting behavior has to be corrected, but chocking him is not the way to do it.  There are soooo many valuable resources out there from videos to books.  Plant them on your father, and show him the proper teaching techniques, and that severe punishment is not the way.

    I added a couple of articles, maybe you can print them and put them out for your dad.

    Best of luck!

  11. omg I'm so sorry about this but tell ur dad that the people on tv are professional dog trainers and they know what they are doing. If he doesnt listen to this tell ur mom to get him to reason if that does not work tell ur dad that u r gonna tell an adult in school and he might just listen to that  

  12. your dad has major issues..when my cousin dog did that her dad didnt go that should talk to your dad or give up the puppy cuz that is not good for the little pup

  13. Tell him if he chokes the dog,he could cause a collapsed trachea,which will mean life-long medication so the dog can breathe correctly.Also,he could concievably injure his trachea or neck seriously enough to kill him. Ask if you can enroll the puppy in obedience classes,but realize that he is only a puppy,and he is acting like a puppy.What you are doing is correct.Your dad needs a good choking!!

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