
URGENT? please help ?

by  |  earlier

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i am 12. about a month or so i noticed a strange lumpish thing under my nipple but it is only under one of them. shouldnt it have gone away bye now i am really worryed about it





  1. don't worry it's a normal part of puberty it will disappear in time

  2. Lots of young guys have these lumps , and they are just little cysts

    For your own peace of mind it is probably best you ask your parents to get the doctor to check it out  

  3. At your age i had the same thing. it is common in boys and is called a breast bud. STILL I WANT YOU TO SEE THE DOCTOR cause it could be something else. This could also be a cyst but i think it will be fine.

  4. Hey

    You need to get it looked at by a doctor. no one will be be able to tell you what it is without seeing it. It's probably nothing to worry about, it could just be and infected in-growing hair but you should get it checked just to be on the safe side. Has it gotten bigger, or changed shape or colour? if it has go to the doctors right now.

  5. It is likely a swollen gland.  This can occur during puberty, but it can't be diagnosed online.  I would suggest that you speak to your parents about it and see a doctor just to be on the safe side.
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