
URGENT! please read!!!?

by Guest66900  |  earlier

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I was watching my hamster and he started... doing his buisness then I see this white stuff comeing out his ding dong, then he wiped it away then I saw blood or something!!! I looked back a few min. later and there was a few little blood dots on the bedding!! What should i do!! i'm not sure if something is wrong with him. If there is something wrong how much longer should I wait??? and what is happening. I need help!! i am frantick!!!




  1. Um... its sounds a little serious and no one but a vet can explain this to you. You really need to get him check. This could be an infection or internal disease.

  2. you said white and blood? sounds to me like an infection and subsequent bleeding/damage internally but i'm no vet. he needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

    what are his other stools like and was the blood dark brown/red or bright red? dark brown blood indicates a more serious problem as it has passed through the digestive system but lighter blood is usually less serious and can be just on straining or constipation etc.

    i advise you see a vet. hope he's ok :)

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