
!!!!!!!URGENT!!!!!!!!!!! ?

by  |  earlier

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My best friend recently had 3 pairs of shoes reheeled and asked me to pick them up. I did, and took then home. I went to the shops for 20 minutes for milk and came back and her favourite pair had been completely chewed by my dog and 2 other shoes' heels had been chewed! What shall i do?




  1. take them back to the shoemaker and pay for replacement heels. then tell your friend what happened, and apologize. she will appreciate your honesty.

    If her favourite pair is totally destroyed, offer to buy her new ones (or try to find them on eBay). I know it sucks, and I know she should have picked up her stupid shoes on her own, but c**p happens and if she's a good friend she won't be mad.  


    if i was your best friend

    the only thing i would say to you is

    RUN ******

  3. Tell her how badly you feel and try to come up with something fair together.

  4. pay her back by getting her new ones,also take that dog to obediant school..or say someone stole the

  5. Tell her and pay for the two remaining pairs to be reheeled again.

  6. Apologize, and say you'll pay to get her new shoes, or reheel them.  


  8. Take them back to the shoe repair and ask if they can fix them, you may have to tell your friend what happened and beg for forgiveness.

  9. First tell your friend then get them redone and offer to buy her a new pair!!!!

  10. OMG....... you are in trouble (bad friend) no I'm just kidding :) listen how soon does she need the shoes? if you still have time go get her a new pair if you can't afford them I guess your gonna have to come clean with her I'm sorry.....

  11. LEAVE TOWN.........

  12. You need to pay her for the shoes and apologize profusely.

    Good luck!

  13. You consider this urgent? wow your life sounds pretty easy.

    You have two options

    1 - Repair the shoes if they are repairable

    2- apologize to your friend, and offer to compensate her for them, since your dog destroyed her property.

  14. Tell your friend and maybe she will forgive you. Then pay for it to get rehelled again! I dont know much about shoes.

  15. You could replace them, see if they're fixable or tell her.  Seems pretty simple.

  16. Buy your friend new shoes.

  17. Re-heel the ones that can be repaired?

    Or offer to pay for them.

  18. aww.

    i guess you jst have to tell her the truth.

    buy her some new shoes.

    she should understand.

  19. say how sorry you are and pay for them

    if shes a good friend she will understand if she has a go at you then shes not a very good friend

    after all, you did what she asked you to do - you picked 'em up for her!

    but she does have a right to be alittle bit angry

    and surely your friendship should mean more to her than a pair of shoes

  20. omggggggggggggggggggg this is a real thinker

    You could tell her and apologize and say you'll buy her new ones.

    buy her some new ones that look the same but are cheaper she'll never know.

    But your safest bet is to just be honest apologize like a million times and I suppose you'll have to get her new ones or just say sorry

    sorry I'm not too good at this kind of thing


    Hope I helped

  21. All you can really do is either go and get them fixed or tell her the truth.  If you go with the latter, apologize and offer to pay for new ones.  Good luck!

  22. It would be your duty to buy her some more shoes at this point.   At least offer to buy her some more.   You are responsible for your dogs actions.    Just do the right thing and I am sure she will understand.  

  23. I think you have enough answers by now don't you?

  24. Tell her the truth. I would offer to buy her new shoes, She'll probably say no, but no promises. Don't lie. That would be worse. Offer to go out shopping with her. (Hope they weren't expensive!!)

    Lots o Love,


  25. Tell her right away and ask her what she'd like you to do to resolve this. Either paying for new shoes or repairing the old ones if  its possible. And next time, make sure anything chewable or valuable is high out of your dog's reach.

  26. Call her and tell her what happened you should buy her a new pair of shoes and pay for the other two to be re-heeled again.  Your dog, your responsibility.  

  27. take them to the rehealing place and see how much they can repair and if not much then go to a shop and buy some new ones just like them.

    xxxxx good luck i know how you feel. x

  28. Go back to the repair shoe shop and rebuy them

  29. I guess you need to apologise and depending on your finances maybe come to an agreement. As for the dog to avoid future stuff like chewing shoes, tell dog off as soon you catch dog at it. If u wait dog will not understand and gets confused what's wrong. No need hitting or shouting at your dog- catch dog in the act, let him sniff whatever he is destroying + say in firm voice NO. It may take a while but animals like dogs learn like children by repetition. Also make sure dog got enough toys + marrow bone ect to chew on. Something your dog enjoys chewing. As to your mate, she will understand if she is really such a good friend. It was an accidant

  30. tell her and pay to fix them

  31. by her new shoes obviously

    and you really need to train your dog.

    do you have any toys for him/her?

    also try to walk it as much as possible to make sure it doesn't get bored

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