
URGENT!!!!!!DUI matter

by  |  earlier

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my husband got a DUI and suspended drivers licences and spent 24

hours in jail he has to go to court .would anyone know what the penality holds for both of these .serious coments please




  1. i agree with the first person, get a lawyer

    also, please let us know which country and state/province you are from and that will let people in your area will be able to give you specifics

  2. yeah. it depends on what state you are in... different states have VERY different penalties.

    lawyers will work a payment plan out for you...

    did he get the DUI while he had a suspended license?

    or did he have his license when he got the DUI.

    i believe in my state you lose your license for 30 days... he may have to do satop classes and have the sr22 high risk insurance.  and have to pay court costs... but also it depends on if this is his first one.

    if its not, then itll be alot worse...

  3. "URGENT!!!!" ...? I feel like I'm watching Fox News.

  4. what was his blood alcohol content.

    he will get a fine plus penalities probably around 750-1500

    his license will be suspended again for 30-180 days

    he will get jail time most likely 90 days with 80 or so suspended

    alcohol school or aa add another 1500 for classes

    no to the suspended lic, what was it suspended for?  was he still on proapation?

    since he did not honor the original suspension, they will add on some actual jail time.  he should be able to serve on weekends.

    besides getting a lawyrer, you will need a pair of stel toed work boots and gloves for the trash detail

  5. Here is a serious comment...GET A LAWYER!
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