
US 100LL ban?

by Guest34054  |  earlier

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I heard the US is going to ban 100LL some time in the near future. Is this true?




  1. Think about it..  With how many planes that use 100LL?  Hmmm.  Let me think ...  No time soon would be my guess.

  2. I fly a Cessna 172 (student pilot) which burns 100LL fuel. My guess is that when this fuel is banned, gasoline will be banned. I haven't heard the rumor.

  3. Of course they are going to ban it.  TEL is toxic, known to cause birth defects (but only in the state of California), and environmentally unfriendly.  The only question is when. It is still very necessary.

    100LL has three to four times the lead as the old 80/87 and has way too much octane and lead for the average bug smasher.  The high performance piston planes will be going the way of the dodo being replaced by turbine singles and diesel engined planes in the twenty to thirty year time span and the small planes will run fine on a lower octane, lower lead fuel if they can ever get one.  

    Either that or get an autogas STC and run on MOGAS.  It makes cleaning spark plugs very easy.

  4. No not soon , their is currently no alternative fuel that is certified by the FAA. As mentioned above me , their is a toxic ingredient called TEH , lead. In order to keep it in the fuel we pay fuel tax , part of the reason 100LL is more expensive than gasoline.
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