
US BB10: SPOILER: Do you think The POV will be used this week?

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Jerry won HOH

Put up Keisha and Dan, Jerry wants Dan gone

POV-Memphis won

Do you think he will save Dan, and get rid of Renny or Keisha

Jerry does not think he will use the POV on Dan

Dan and Keisha thinks he will save Dan, vote out Renny

What do you think Memphis will do?




  1. memphis will most likely use the POV on dan, and they will vote out renny unfortunately. i really like renny :(

    but personally, as much as i think dan is awesome, i have always liked keesha and renny just a little bit more. so my hopes would be memphis does not use the veto, and dan gets voted out.

    it sucks though.. i was hoping jerry would have went this week!

  2. since dan and memphis have an alliance, i think he will use the pov

  3. dan has gotten way to cocky in this game now. He was so quiet for so long and now all of a sudden he is outrageously annoying, imo.

    At some point people have to stop playing for other people but I understand they need others to get them further in the game. Does Jerry think he will not use to the POV on dan because thats what he is supposed to be thinking? Dan says one thing and does another, who's to say Memphis won't do the same in this situation.

    I want mEmphis to win.

  4. yehh im pretty sure memphis will use it and get rid of rennyy

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