
US Border Security ?

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Who thinks we need better our Border Security in all the Border states? Also have our Governement to Totaly Inforce the Illegal Immagration laws we have right now?




  1. Si Amigo!

  2. I agree! we need better Border Security. With the Border Agents not focusing on their original mission (terrorist and weapons of mass destruction) and using up all their resources to catch people who come over for work, the Americans are now more at risk of another attack. Lets get back to the original mission, and still focus on the rest with whatever resources are left. I would rather live with Jose the gardener next door, then a terrorist who's plotting the next event.

    Border Patrol needs to focus on their mission

    The chief patrol agent believes the Border Patrol's mission has changed.


    "When you look at the series of events that have happened over the last five, six years... our mission changed," Manjarrez told AP. "Our primary mission changed from our traditional focus. Our primary mission now is terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. That is what we have to be focused on."


    But that can't happen when resources are being deployed primarily against illegal immigrants simply wanting jobs. "We can't focus on that (new mission) as much as we would like because of the other issues we have to deal with," Manjarrez said.


    If terrorists or weapons of mass destruction do make it across our border with Mexico, the first finger of blame should be pointed at Congress which has chosen to pander rather than to provide realistic approaches to illegal immigration.

  3. I do and most Americans do. It is some politicians that are against it because they are using illegal immigrants to illegally get votes.

  4. By far the majority of Americans want better border security; unfortunately there is nothing that citizens can do about it because the politicians and the wealthy business owners don't want it. Overzealous border guards sometimes go to prison for shooting back at drug dealers. Private citizens can be arrested for preventing it.

  5. I DO! I mean this is our country and we sure do not want a bunch of illegal aliens getting the jobs that REAL american citizents need 2 survive! I really think we sould just find them all or at least try 2 and ship them all back where they came from!!!!!!

  6. I DOooooooooooooooooooooooo

    And what security,..........

  7. It needs to be done by the states not the Federal gov't  If the d**n states would pick up the slack then things would get done.

  8. illegal immigrants can't vote you, illegals have already been found to be voting. When they are called up for jury duty and cannot supply the SS# they used to vote this equals fraud. Why do you think some states are outraged over showing a ID to vote vs signing a piece of paper.You don't think illegals are not going vote for those who will help them out ? If they get caught they get deported. The current laws are suitable.In fact they just arrested 350 illegals.Federal immigration agents arrested some 350 suspected undocumented workers in a raid on a Mississippi electrical equipment plant Monday, authorities announced, hours after sealing all entrances amid reports their sweep had idled normal operations

  9. i agree with it 100% they need to secure the border better.  

  10. I am from Greece and recently married into USA.

    I do agree with you in both of your questions.I don't agree with the Gov in the part: Ok you are illegal for 15 years but you are paying your taxes".

    Its like USCIS and SSA are not in the same country.

  11. I, most assuredly do.

  12. good article on this

    Check out the government will not get involved

  13. I agree

    We must seal the border

    Hopefully before a suitcase sized nuclear device is smuggled across...

    I have several ideas:

    1.) Helicopter dropped minefields

    2.) Automated, motion tracking 20mm autocannons

    haha--a bit extreme, but what else will do the job 100%?
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