
US Economy.?

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Do you believe that we're sinking into a new depression?

What do you think is going to happen to the US Economy within the next five years?




  1. yes i do think we are sinking into a new depression. the next five years are only going to get worse. gas and food prices are going to squeeze every last dollar from the lower and middle class. the lobbyist's in Washington have all the politicians in their pockets so nothing will change for the better. not to mention all our jobs are being outsourced to India and other foreign countries. the American people have all but been abandoned by their government and we will never again be the prosperous country we once were.

  2. Your house is on fire and the fire truck is across town fighting the fire at the mayors house .

  3. If our soldiers stay fighting in Iraq over the next 5 years, you will see our economy slowly but surely start to show the brutal effects of war.

  4. I have to say yes, we are headed to a depression.  Unemployment is up, gas prices are up, well energy prices in general are up, people are loosing their homes, food prices are going through the roof, you median income families are struggling to keep their head above water, and feed their families.  the elderly and the poor will suffer greatly this winter, with heating prices going up for those who heat with any type of Gas, and especially propane.  Your general elderly person, who farmed for a living, such as my in laws, make just a little over $1,000.00 a month, out of this they have to pay for their propane which ran this past year over $1,000.00 every six weeks, they had to pay this along with medical bills, medication, and normal monthly expenses, along with the high price for gas and food.  They are already being forced to choose between medication, food & gas.  And they are not the only ones have to do this.  This winter you will see many of our elderly will succoumb to death, due to the present economy........and this economy is in the hands of the Democrats, and they have done nothing,,,,it has gotten worse.  I do hope that t hey are proud of  themselves, and that they along with the oil executatives will be able to seep at night, when the reports of death due to starvation, cold, etc. is broadcast on TV.
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