
US Gives aid to Georgia?

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Do you believe that giving about 1 billion dollars to Georgia is the right move that America is making?

yes or no and why??




  1. No.

    Anyone seeking a solution to this problem would be organising a meeting of the parties involved and trying to come to a long term solution  -  perhaps followed up with loans where necessary.

    Simply throwing $1 billion at the President of Georgia is not a solution. Don't be surprised if the money gets wasted  -  and the problems recur in the future.

  2. Yes, it works on several fronts.  

    It gives a strong signal to other nations in the area (including Russia) that the US is not going to allow the re-emergence of the Soviet Union's expansionist agenda.

    It also serves the purpose of solidifying our presence in a strategically important area (re: oil/ng pipelines).

    From a less strategic position, the MSM has done a poor job demonstrating to the American public the extent of the damage the Russian military has done to the Georgian infrastructure.  Namely, poor people without recourse are more likely to turn to Communism/Socialism.  Look at our inner cities.  

  3. I don't believe it was the right move.  I don't want to sound like an isolationist but we need to start minding our own business.  We told Georgia to leave Ossetia alone but ignored us and got jacked up by Russia.  Then, expects us to help them out.  We are spreading ourselves thin, we are not the superpower anymore.  

  4. It is never a good idea to extend welfare to any individual, corporation or state. There are instance in humanitarian situation that this does apply, however doing so interfers with self determination and opens the door to coruption and coerssion. The money in this case is simply to pay off the officials in Georgia to open the door for the US to exert a very bad politically policy against the Georgian people who will suffer the concequences now and in the future. Also it's your money going out the back door so if you find yourself suffering from a health related problem or you cannot afford tuition for your children you will understand part of the reason why.

  5. It is right for those who want to create unnecessary strife in the world, for the ideological gain of a few, elite, sociopaths.

    The US started this off by encouraging, and facilitating, Georgia to make an unprovoked attack of South Ossetia, which resulted in the wanton destruction of thousands of innocent lives. This is a matter of record, and although the media encourages us to believe that Russia was the aggressor, it just ain't true.

    If you are one of the many who buy into the propaganda falsehood of America protecting sweet innocent little Georgia, and its Zionist overlords, and get a kick out of vicarious violence and imperialism, then it's your cup of tea.

    If you're a humane person, who believes that the world is better off without a perverted, US controlled, world, based on deception and greed, then it is yet another disaster, based on the personal greed of a few, shoot you in the face, duck hunters.

  6. Georgia is an ally. We said we would help so we should.

    Russia is trying to steal parts of a sovereign nation, and that is just wrong.

  7. Yes, they're a new democracy that's trying to establish freedom in that region.  They're a US ally.  They're being attacked.  And they've given blood to Global War on Terror to make this world a better place.  Georgia is a major player fighting for good in this world and they need the West's support.

    I'd much rather give aid money that will help our country in the long run than $845 billion to Africa that's never contributed to anything to benefit the modern world and will only give the tyrants in that region more money to kill each other.

  8. NO.  It's a misappropriation of public funds.  That's not their money to give to another country.  It's unconstitutional. That money belongs to the people of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  And it is only constitutional to use it for the common good of this country only.

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