
US Navy SEALs Training?

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Do Navy SEALs go through HALO or military free fall training right after bud\s and SQT or do they get put on that waiting list for 5 to 7 years. Just want to know realistically how Iong would I be waiting for a training slot for that cool guy school?




  1. You will go to Static and HALO Training after BUD/S, they just started putting that as part of the pipeline like this a little over a year ago. It is in San Diego, they do one week of Static and then 3 weeks of Free Fall to include Combat Equipment, O2, Night Jumps, etc...They used to be on a waiting list for the Army Free Fall Course, it got to silly so they pushed to get there own. The Army School is very good, they both have advantages but the Army Airborne School was a COMPLETE waste of time at 3 weeks and a bit of a joke after going thru BUD/S, there was never a wait time for that school. Basically once you get thru BUD/S you will have just about another 6 months of Operator Training between SQT, SERE and Free Fall School that are all in the direct pipeline now. As far as the USMC getting in on the Navy School, the USAF and EOD already are, I do not see why the USMC would not be allowed to go as well, the school had to get the ok from SOCOM and MARSOC is underneath it now so I imagine it would be a no brainer to just have them bid into it.

    Edit-Jeeper, your wrong on that one, they no longer go to the Army Course and the USAF has been sending guys-PJ and CCT's, to the San Diego course since at least 05' that I know about, they still go to the Army one but they just want billets and the Army course is for the ENTIRE Military and hence does not always have the number of slots that are needed.

    Edit-Trident, the static is a week long and done before the Free Fall Course and that is 3 weeks, USAF and EOD both go to the school.

  2. Around a year ago, the Navy made their own Jump School instead of sending BUD/S graduates to Ft. Benning. MFF for SEALs is now all done at the TACAIROPS School in Otay Lakes so yes This Guy, its still the case. Altogether it lasts 3 weeks, starting with Static Line Jumping in as little as a week, followed by FreeFall. BUD/S classes are sent to jump school right after BUD/S but prior to SQT training so the waiting list is only a couple weeks long. Good luck.

    Edit:/ As far as I know, TACAIROPS is only for SEALs , it was purposely made so that Team guys wouldn't have to wait so long for rare open slots at Ft. Benning and showing up to a Team without your jump wings is looked down upon. So for now MARSOC guys will continue doing their jumps where they are now.

  3. They are on a waiting list, like everyone else.

    The only Spec ops that must go thru HALO as part of their training,

    Are Air Force combat control and para rescue.

    The AF gets as many slots as they need, that's why they provide the aircraft for HALO.

  4. Here is a question to go along with this. The guys I knew out of Coronado said they dont go to Benning or Yuma for jump or HALO (or maybe just for basic jump) that there was a place they go to out in Otay Mesa. Is this still the case?

    Trident anyword if the Marine Corps MarSoc guys are going to piggy back with the Navy there?

    Umm JEEPER read below

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