
US Presidents and the paranormal?

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I'd thought until recently Mary Todd Lincoln's White House seances were the first dabbling the Executive Branch did into paranormal phenomena. The later Kennedy, Reagan and Bill Clinton experiences seem tame by comparison. And, while Hillary's probably deeper into it than anyone since Mary Todd, she isn't yet Chief Executive of the US.

But it turns out George Washington might have given the entire thing a kick-start with a vision in 1777. For the absolute skeptics it will be just another hallucination, but others might form different opinions.

Does, "blew a long and fearful blast. Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments" [4th Peril] seem to describe anything we know in modern life?

I'm a skeptic of the ugliest sort, but I still find it unsettling. How about you?




  1. I asked a question about Presidential paranormal experiences a while ago. You may enjoy some of the answers I got.;...

  2. To me, this story sounds like a fairy tale that was invented to help to glorify the memory of Washington and the fate of the nation.  It was not related until years after Washington's death, and so, none of the vision can be truly certified as coming from Washington.  

    The interpretations of this vision seem more contrived than those who believe that Nostradamas predicted that the Bush's would be in the white house.  Let's take it very simply.

    Vision 1:  There will be a battle between the US and Europe.

    Vision 2:  There will be an influence from Africa that will cause the nation to be disrupted, but a glorified leader will bring peace to the nation.

    Vision 3:  There will be a force from Europe, Africa, and Asia that will challenge the US, but the US will prevail with the help of a bright light from above.

    None of these things were hard to imagine, even in Washington's time.  There were powerful forces in Europe that wanted control of the US.  There were African slaves in america at that time as well, and there was a strong division, even in the Continental Congress, over whether slavery should be abolished.  Is it that difficult to believe that there may be a conflict involving all of the nations of the world?

    The fact that the saving grace was a bright light from above could be interpreted as the strength of spirit as easily as it can be considered an Atomic bomb or an asteroid.

    It is hard enough to understand and verify non-physical events when they occur right before your eyes.  Something that was written about years after it occurred in the context of this piece will always be considered to be a "nice story" but is unlikely to be considered real in any sense.  Nonetheless, this was an interesting question.  Thanks!

  3. I have heard of several people predicting the same thing. It is all suppose to start in the year 2012. Scarey it is.

    I also heard, that the mid wife who delivered Abe Lincoln was killed the day before in a train derailment. She had came to the house early next morning, helped deliver him, she suggested to his parents, to call him Abraham.

    If that is true, can you imagine, that his life was all preplan & had to take place. Gives me chills.

  4. why is it that all you skeptics think that the wisdom of our countries leaders, is so bizarre or unnerving when it comes to them asking for guidance from a higher power?Its okay to talk to a holy man or speak to the pope;but to reach out to the ones who can really give some perspective,will get you hanged,kicked out of traditional religion,and most likely banished to some other country or great grand father was president Pierce on my mothers side.I really don't know much because I just found out through genealogy,but I'll tell you this......I hope that all the presidents would use a little star gazing,and talking to the elders.Nor do I believe that they should be ashamed of it......apparently there more worried about the ridicule of peoples insecurities about there use of the wisdom we have all been given.....If there is any malice or darkness to there quest,.....three fold.... Blessed be............

  5. First time I ever heard of this one. Not sure what I think about it, but interesting.  Thanks for the posting.

  6. Hm mm, thanks for posting.  This is a VERY interesting article.  I am very intrigued about Lincoln & Kennedy, I really was not aware of the similarities between the two.  Maybe same thing repeating itself in a different time?  Could it possibly have been re incarnation?

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