
US Tornado Victims: Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay urges for football community’s help-NFL News

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US Tornado Victims: Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay urges for football community’s help-NFL News
Indianapolis Colts’ owner, Jim Irsay, has come into the support of victims of the United States’ tornado that has ripped through many parts of the state of Southern Indiana and killed 38 people at least.
Irsay, while offering a note of concerns and sympathy to the victims, has pledged the financial support of $50,000 to the relief efforts.
The storm, which has been measured to be among the fiercests of all times, has completely destroyed houses and caused serious damage to communication infrastructure.
Scenes of chaos and debris are seen everywhere in the state, where people are finding themselves shelterless and dependent on the aid efforts. 
As many as 38 people so far are confirmed to have lost their lives, while many are still missing, raising fear of more causalities. Those who luckily survived are finding it hard to cope with the aftermath of destruction in front of their eyes.
Some parts of the state, especially those in centre, are more struck by the calamity than others.
The loss has prompted the American corporate community to step up and support the rehabilitation efforts.
Many sports clubs and organisations have pledged their respective support to the families of the victims and injured people in their recovery efforts.
Indianapolis Colts is the only known franchise from the National Football League (NFL) that has participated in the recovery phase.
A number of more entities are also likely to offer their respective role to compensate the victims for their massive in kind losses.
Irsay has appealed to other members of the football community to help out the people in their time of misery and devastation so that they are able to get to normal life at the soonest.
It is not rare for NFL franchises and players to render their services for the needy and grieved. They are given to contribute towards different social causes regularly and wholeheartedly.
Tornados are not something new to the American climate and their recurrence on the regular basis keeps the people on heel and worried all the time.
Despite trying a number of warning systems, different states have failed to control the damage caused by these tornados.
In the latest storm, houses have been levelled to ground and infrastructure ripped apart. Some damage to property and lives is caused by the communication infrastructure. A number of people are reported to have been electrocuted by the falling electric wires
of higher voltage intensity.
The survivors are also salvaging household items such as domestic appliance from the debris in the hopes of recovering them undamaged.
It is going to be much longer for the locals to rehabilitate and recover from the loss. It will be even harder to find sustainable financial support line given that local business infrastructure stands equally affected.



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