
US Troops Bad People?

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They fire at a bus that refused to stop at a highly secure checkpoint and killed most enemy combatants inside

THEN they gave MEDICAL TREATMENT to the ones who survived........

Ok, so HOW IN THE h**l can people say US Troops are horrible people. you would never see one of those enemy combatants fighting to save the life of a US Troop

These men saved the lives of some of the men trying to blow them up with a bus laden with explosives

Really shows you the difference ir Morals and Ethics between us and them... doesnt it




  1. The libs who are carping about the war are either stupid or traitors.  Most are definitely not patriotic, or Christian.  They are giving aid and comfort to the terrorists.  They are issue of the Pinko Comsymps from the Cold War era.  The same types who were praising the Communists are now praising the Islamofascists.   They despise our basic freedoms and complex society.  In any other country they would all be hanged.  Many have a serious disconnect with reality.  Which means insanity.  Keep the faith.  The terrorists and the libs will NOT win.  Look at the New Yorker cover page.  Every thing evil is suited up around Oboma.

    Helping the survivors is admirable but it won't work.  There is too big a gap from the Stone Age to a modern Democracy.

    Ben J:   Are you blind to the facts?  Or are you a Mooslum?

  2. No. U.S. Troops are JUST doing the Job they were sent to DO... It's the Idiots who SENT THEM that are the "bad people..." -So remember THAT, when You vote in November...

  3. I always say don't believe everything you see in the news because I've been there and the troops, sailors, and the marines over there aren't these people that the news makes us out to be. Just remember the news plays videos that they know are going to get attention at the time they play them, right now most people are against the war so they play videos of how many more troops died, or these troops raped someone. I'm not saying the military is perfect, but it certainly isn't as bad as the publicity. I believe the media is very one sided, coming from someone who been there and done it, and is still serving.

  4. Most US soldiers are good decent young men who have been sent to participate in a war not of their own making.

    Those who lied about the WMD should now be put on trial

    for crimes against humanity.
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