
US Universities that doesnt require GRE/GMAT?

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US Universities that doesnt require GRE/GMAT?




  1. so you're looking for graduate programs without taking the GREs or similar exams before real studies? i can't think of any off hand unless you or momma/papa has lots of $$$. these schools want to know who you are, what you're like, what kinda' student you are or will be, etc. can you blame them? their reps are long, big and they wish to sustain them through the ages. many get funded privately and want that to continue so to allow a less-than-serious student amongst them who might bring them ill will is just a no no!  the only way to dance around this is have really rich parents, know someone with a lot of pull and/or be really smart and be able to show it. sorry, charlie. that's just the way it is. schools today aren't into equal opportunity anything. they really don't care what color skin, religion or anything of that ilk. it's what's in your brain and how you use it...what can you do for the school . i mean, after all, in later years, YOU are their living billboard for achievement, true? good luck!

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