
US and Iraqi deaths are at their lowest since the war began

by Guest63877  |  earlier

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and yet Obama still refuses to admit the surge has worked. Can anyone please explain this idiocy to me?




  1. if the surge worked or not will not be known until our troops start leaving.  when we leave,  if violence doesnt increase, and iraq is able to function, then the surge worked.  if violence returns,  the surge was only a costly band-aid.

  2. Of course if you send 5 extra brigades problems will slow down temporarily.  I was not for the surge.  The focus should have been on Afghanistan from the beginning. Now Bush feels he's doing us a favor by lowering the length of tours from 15  to 12 months.  C'mon,  they were 12 months when I went over there in 06.  What an a**.

  3. At least Obama knows how to turn on a computer and check his email.

  4. Everyone is getting bored over there, including the terrorists, There are many reasons why it was a good war to start, but if you ask me, it should have been over in 4 or 5 years max.

  5. Your right. There hasn't been that many deaths in this war. But this war has the highest Amputee ratings. More soldiers are coming pack missing limbs, blind, or having hearing loss. My dad works at the VA and he says that working w/ Iraq soldiers has been more depresing than those of past wars

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