
US citizens: do you care about your constitutional rights?

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I'm just wondering since so many people support laws that go against our rights.




  1. of course we do

  2. I certainly do.

    It is strange that so many people are willing to give up the 4th Amendment right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure; usually arguing that they have "nothing to hide," which misses the point entirely. Governments have a long history of abusive conduct, and many of our forefathers died to protect that right and others. We should have the courage to protect it and live with the small additional risk that respecting that right entails.

    My guess is that people who are willing to give up their right to privacy are living in a dream world, thinking that it can't happen to them.  The 4th amendment prohibition is designed to keep the government from abusive conduct. We need to respect that right and demand compliance from the government. No exceptions.

  3. Well, yea! Of course we do! Without them, we would probably be living under a single ruler, and not a fair democracy. I am thankful every day for the rights provided in our Constitution.

    God Bless America!

  4. Yes, I do. There are way to many laws federal, state, city , ect... how can anyone keep up with them ?  Most people do their best to stay out of trouble, criminals do what ever they want regardless.  

  5. Interesting question... I find it interesting that many people form an opinion without researching the facts.Consequently they vote for a law with the opposite agenda of what is implied -- or what they would vote for if they really had  gone fact finding.  How many know the difference between a a state that passes laws stating humans are 'guardians' of dogs, vs a law that states humans 'own' dogs?  What does that really mean when it comes to our rights?  Well, I could go on and on, but.....

    just my thoughts

  6. I raised my right hand and swore The Oath. To this day, no one has released me from it, for all that I'm a civilian now, and no longer wear the uniform. I *care* about the Constitution, and the rights enshrined therein. I swore to uphold and defend it, and it makes me insane when laws are passed that abridge those rights.

    To quote Ben Franklin: "The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either."

    Or: "Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    I could go on, but ol' Ben has already hit the nail squarely upon the head.

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