
US currency in Panama?

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Are US 50's and 100's easy to use in Panama?

Heard his might be a problem.

Find it hard to believe but thought I would ask.






  1. I never really had a problem using 50's or 100's in Panama, but many of the smaller places you go may not be able to give you change back. The best thing to do is if you have a 50 or 100 dollar bill is go to the bank and get it broken down into smaller bills. I was down there last year and went into a supermarket and bought a 6 pack of beer and gave them a 100 dollar bill. Wow, first they check it out and make sure that it is a good bill and not some fake then I gave them my id, which then showed them I was an American which then proved to them that it was good because all Americans are rich. Just joking, but since it was a larger supermarket it was able to give me my change.

  2. it should not be a problem at all in Panama.

    They accept all US dollars except coins.

    The national currency is El Balboa, and 1Balboa = 1 US$. The only difference is that Balboas are coins and the bills are the US $.
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