
US dispute with the Canadian Northwest passage?

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I just learned about this tonight, and it intrigues me... is anyone aware of the mild standoff between the USA and the Canadians regarding the Northwest Passage? - which is freeing up and becoming more navigable because of the melting ice.

In brief, Canada wants the passage to be considered to be Canadian territory and the USA wants it to be considered to be international waters. WTF are we (USA) thinking here - anyone have any idea? Sure, we want to have the ability to get through the passage, but I'm sure Canada wouldn't have a problem with that (they're Canadian for heaven's sake)... but we sure as heck wouldn't want any nation to get through there - so let the Canadians watch it and call us if someone's head really needs bashing.

Anyone have any familiarity with this issue? I'm curious to know if there's a stated reason the USA has for the viewpoint we've taken. I haven't been able to find the logic in it in my searches - just that we want it.

(This has been going on for decades, it's not a recent phenomenon)




  1. Canada has a legal and geographic claim to all of the North west Passage, as it lies within our territorial waters.

    The USA has had a long standing policy of only recognizing international laws that are of benefit to the USA.  As long ago as the 1970's , American oil tankers were attempting to go thru the passage , during the summer months, without either notifying the Canadian Government , nor with any regard to the possible environmental consequences, should they create an oil spill, in our waters.

    Canada has said that it will set up permanent check points, manned by our Coast Guard service,. at both entrances to the NW passage, to control entry, and to enforce our regulations about navigation of our waters, by any nation.

    Jim B.  

  2. I am not sure what your question is.  If it is why would the US want the Northwest Passage, then the answer is that it is, if there is no ice, a trade route around the top of North America.  You can get from the Pacific to the Atlantic.  Obviously another trade route is important.

    What do you mean by "I'm sure Canada wouldn't have a problem with that (they're Canadian for heaven's sake)" and "so let the Canadians watch it and call us if someone's head really needs bashing"?  Is this just classic American blathering by insulting and asking at the same time?

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