
(US elections) Have people noticed?

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Have people noticed that Mccain in his speeches and confrences often gives the public the chance to ask him questions and question him on issues. Where with Obama, he just gives speeches one way, where no-one can question him, and thus he always look perfect. Regardless of sides, I think i would much prefer a pesident who gives me the chance to ask him question and therefore, get to know him. Where as someone else basically talks down on you instead of with you.

What do you think?




  1. Yep, I've noticed.  Obama is super picky about who he reads (teleprompter) to.  He came to the city where I live and talked ONLY to high school students and wouldn't let anyone in to hear him and they were forced to listen to him speak.  It's pretty sad that kids have to be forced to listen to Obama especially when they don't like him.  Kid don't know enough to ask sensible question and Obama is just fine with that.  Obama is one stupid idiot.

    McCain IS our new president.

  2. The man-from-nowhere, is just a shadow of the person Senator McCain is and is prepared to offer his country.

    Despite rumours to the contrary, the voting public are not fools.

    The majority of star-struck black voters will hopefully see some sense in the reality of the polling booth.

  3. Ever heard of planted questions and questioners?

    That is how it can be done my friend

  4. I don't think Barack Obama talks down onto people. I agree with what the first person said. Obama just likes to talk. That's his way of getting things across where as McCain is not a great public speaker. He probably allows people to ask him questions so he can get his ideas across better.

  5. Yes we've all noticed. Barak Obama likes to get everyone pumped up and on the verge of a riot. Hey hasn't someone else done that before? *cough* HITLER *cough*

  6. Mcain puts his foot in his mouth a lot, ie: he said you can now walk through Iraq streets without protection as he had done, yet he had body amour, thirty-forty heavily armed troops, six amoured cars, three-four choppers overhead, when he walked through the streets.  He'll say he knows all about economy, then he says he knows very little about it.  And Obama is just another Bush, least said the better about him.

  7. Town hall meetings are McCain's forte or so he thinks. When anyone asks questions he doesn't like they get tossed.

    Obama gives speeches, that's what he does. People come to hear him speak. It's a standard candidate stategy. McCain doesn't give good speeches so he uses what he thinks works for him.

  8. I think you should judge on the issues.

  9. Do you think your vote counts? Think again. It's a fix computerised or not. So called different politicians are different horses from the same stable! They play out a theatrical game in front of the public to hoodwink us into believing that we have a choice and that our vote actually counts! This is brainwashing! Lets wake up!!! Don't listen to what the mainstream media tell you, because its all lies! Don't believe me? do your own research and go to you tube and type in CLINTON CURTIS computer voting machine and you will see the inventor of the voting machines under oath swearing in court that the machines have been programmed to fix the voting.

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