
US has produced solid evidence of ISI intercepted communications with the Taliban.

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ISI is Pakistans CIA.

Pakis seem to think that they can get away with murder blue because of its geogrophical location and that US simply can not do a d**n bit inspite of their cosmetic shadow boxing charade.

What option does US have if indeed they just simply keep lieing to US and lap up the massive aid at the time?




  1. "Terror In US As Revenge Enacted Over 9/11 Attacks

    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

    Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are describing what can only be described as wave of terror that is overtaking the United States as its War Leaders have begun enacted revenge over the intelligence network believed to be behind the September 11, 2001 that killed over 3,000.

    In a swift move that has angered US lawmakers, President Bush this week changed the entire intelligence structure of his Nation with the creation of the greatest spying apparatus in history, and modeled upon those enacted by the German n***s, and which as many have known, had created the American intelligence organizations after World War II in the first place.

    The new Executive Order which Bush unveiled puts the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) in control of all 16 US intelligence agencies, sapping power mostly from both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon.

    Upon assuming their new role this week, the DNI has been swift to begin dismantling the internal factions of those US intelligence networks believed to have been the masterminds of the 9/11 terror attacks, to include:

    Former Top US Air Force Brigadier General Thomas L. Tinsley, who was in the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) on September 11, 2001 and failed to alert American Military Forces to the ongoing attacks was found dead with a gunshot to his chest and stated in the US propaganda media to have been a suicide.

    Top US biodefense researcher Bruce E. Ivins has also been reported to have committed suicide with a massive drug overdose and was said to be behind the 9/11 anthrax attacks that terrorized US media members and lawmakers.

    US Naval Air Forces are reported by Russian FSB sources to have put under arrest the commander of the US Navy’s nuclear aircraft carrier George Washington, Captain David C. Dykhoff, and who on 9/11 was the commander of the US Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters located at Patuxent River Naval Air Station outside of Washington D.C. and failed to protect the US Capital from being attacked. [Note: US propaganda media sources are not reporting Captain Dykhoff’s arrest and are only stating that he has been ‘fired’.]"

  2. What choice do we have? none really. Pakistan is a nuclear state. Even if it doesn't have the capability to strike the US, if we invade them and they are backed into a corner, all they have to do is place it at a strategic location and boom.  

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