
US official: georgian conflict is entirely due to the US and its puppet Saakashvili. opinions?

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Paul Craig Roberts, a former assistant secretary to the treasury in Ronald Reagan's administration.: this conflict is entirely due to the US and its georgian puppet Saakashvili..while americans have nothing to gain...reasons for georgian attack: to ethnicaly clean south ossetia and to convince european members of nato that delaying georgian membership made georgia victim of russian attack




  1. Nothing new in it.

    When I say the same thing, who would listen?

    In my language there is a saying. Ordinary water when pored in a conch shell becomes 'consecreted' water for worship. Have it.

    Remember an old (and now dead) Georgian, Joseph Jugashvili. later on he became the person to shape USSR, 'man of steel' (Stalin). And also another Georgian, Eduord Shevernadze the last Foreign minister of USSR; he was scolded by Gorbachev then.

    Read history. Let not partisan attitude pull eyelids onto your eyes; for it has the potential to destroy your country with your own imbecility.

  2. I am not surprised. Though US officials alleged they were unprepared for the current violent flare in Georgia (an allegation that could be true in the sense that, US officials are often short-sighted about international affairs), findings show that Russia only moved in after Georgia (which refuses to even refer to South Ossetia as South Ossetia) took hold of Tskhinvali, South Ossetia's capital city.

    What do you think would have happened if Russia had not intervened? Do you not find it interesting that neither the US nor the UN (both of whom refuse to acknowledge South Ossetia's independence) said a thing about Georgia's action against South Ossetia until Russia got involved?

    I believe that Russia, this time, was justified in its actions against Georgia. I am also of the opinion that our Georgian Mikhail Saakashvili, having studied in the US, is trying his hand at the same tactic employed by the US government against the Native Americans in their little prisons in the USA called "reservations"! I guess no one has told Mikhail Saakashvili that true Native Americans, like true Mexicans down south in the US, never gave up!


  3. irrevelant when considered within the scope of geopolitics

  4. Hmmmm very interesting =D

  5. Yeah right. I'm afraid his status and an "insider" has long since gone. Reagan left office in 1989. That hardly qualifies this guy as an expert in US policy. Get your facts straight.  

  6. Absolutely true.

    There are some power games being played here

  7. Nothing new. You think Georgia would've dared provoke Russia without the backing of US. They just didn't expect fierce Russian response, and telling US how it is.

    It was US with Israel that armed and trained Georgia. Still it was part of a bigger picture. You can be sure of one thing, Georgian dream of joining NATO is over. Bush knows that as well.

    When Sarkozy went to see Saakashvili to get an agreement over cease fire, it were US advisers besides him.

    Oh yeah the myth about Georgia being a democracy. It's a corrupt and totalitarian regime, a police state, no better than Russia.

    Saakashvili himself is embroiled in corruption scandals. Opposition parties already accusing him of provoking Russia.  

  8. Sure. Blame the US for everything.  

    What a crock of bull$hit

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