
US report says al-Qaida gaining strength?

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Is the worlds strongest military too weak to fight al-Qaida?

Weren't we fighting al-Qaida is Afghanistan?

Now al-Qaida is in Iraq?

We spend billions and all we know so far is Osama is still alive and running the whole show.

After 9/11 al-Qaida evolved from bunch of cave dwelling circus freaks into a well organized and funded terrorist organization that is the main threat to US soldiers in Iraq.

What the h**l are we doing in Afghanistan then?




  1. Of course it is gaining strength.  The liberals would rather see that happen, and another 9/11, than see actual security in this country.

  2. I believe the Taliban is in Afghanistan.

    Money does not guarantee you will find someone.

    al-Qaida existed BEFORE 9/11.  You make it sound like they evolved BECAUSE of 9/11.

    We are in Afghanistant because there is trouble there.

  3. perhaps it's another scare tactic used by the administration to encourage voters to support war monger McCain.....4 more years of the same garbage.

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