
US student visa Interview ...?

by Guest33225  |  earlier

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Hey guys, I have an interview for US student visa in a couple of days and I am really freaking out. Please help me out here a little. What is it supposed to be like ? I held a 5 year USA visitor visa unitl last year and visited usa twice during this period. What questions do they ask ?




  1. I found many possible questions for US visa interview here:

    I think those questions will help you.

  2. You could be nervous and that is normal but don't worry about it is not that hard or bad. Good luck!!

  3. Well you have already been through the interview process onces and it is just same anti-climax and a long wait at the end of it.

    As for questions. The usual:

    - Why do you want to study in the U.S.

    - Why do you want to study at this university

    - Why do you can't you study for this in your home country

    - Why do you want to study this program.

    - What are your plans after you graduate.

    - Who will finance your studies.

    - How much finance do you have

    - Have you visited the U.S, this state and/or university before.

    - Do you have friends or family there.

    - How long is your course

    The interview as you know will only last about 5-7 minutes, answer honestly and do not offer any more information than they ask for. For example if they ask you "Do you know the time?" There are only two possible answers; "Yes" or No" answering with "Yes, it's 10:45am" is too much information which isn't needed and nor did they ask for it, they just wanted to know if you *knew* the time, not what *is* the time.

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