
US tourists choosing France ? Are they different ? More intelligent ? or maybe more westcoast ?

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Tell me - my question is of course not a form of hidden torture - relax and reply




  1. The French are very different to Americans yes in many different ways.

    But to be honest with you i dont really understand your question!!

    I love the French and France is a beautiful country.

  2. I can't speak for everyone else, so this is all about me!  

    I'm not from the west coast -- was raised in Detroit, Michigan, and now call Atlanta, Georgia, home.  Nor do I consider myself more intelligent.  My i.q. on standardized tests is a bit higher than average, but I think that just means that I take tests well.

    So why do I choose France?  I fell in love with Paris four years ago.  (Of course, there is more to France than Paris, I understand that.)  I just love the city -- the ambiance, the architecture, the energy, almost everything (but not the guys who hang out on the street and accost me every time I visit).  Immediately after my first trip, I came home and started trying to figure out how to get a job there!  

    I've made a point of maintaining a friendship with one of the professors who was the program director for my Paris study abroad trip, and I've been studying French for a couple of years at a local language school.  Whenever he is in Atlanta I make it a point to be available to meet for dinner or a drink, and he does the same when I visit Paris.  

    Basically, I think the difference between me and other people is that I'm willing to open my mind and experience life outside of the U.S.  Unlike many other people who have posted questions or answers to other questions, I have never felt that anyone in Paris was rude to me.  I understand that rules of polite behavior are culturally-based, and so I don't take offense.  And, if someone was rude to me, I wouldn't blame the whole culture for it!  

    Anyway, I guess that is enough rambling.  

    Why do you think Americans like to visit France?

  3. No, they're no different from other Americans. It's not the destination that shows intelligence, it's how you behave as a tourist.

    Of all the Americans I know that have been to France or expressed the desire to go, some are smart, others are stupid, some are Bush & Iraq war supporters, others liberals, so there are all kinds really, there is no stereotype.

    After all some Americans go to France not even knowing where it is on the map after seeing an ad for a stupid package tour including the Eiffel Tower, a show at the Moulin Rouge and a visit of a château so I don't think going to France is necessarily a sign of intelligence.

    By the way, there are a lot of VERY intelligent Americans across the whole country, not just on the west coast (and stupid ones everywhere as in any country).

  4. Tu craques ?

    Je te comprend... vraiment !

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