
USA, Totalitarian or not? your opinion plz?

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Is the United states on its way to becoming a totalitarian state or is it already? Look at some of the facts among the thousand facts in the USA today.

Fear!!! Americans are living in fear

Media, they control us and manipulates us. It has become more useful than religion over the years.

Ignorance, education in the states is declining and it keeps getting worse.

Patriot Act, our rights have been secretly taken from us.

Propaganda, we see it everyday on TV, the internet, on the way to school or work, in magazines E.T.C.

and the list goes on and on. I personally think a totalitarian government is on its way. Was George Orwell and Aldous Huxley correct?




  1. I personally think a totalitarian is going to win this election, but I see it being a Pyrrhic victory for the "centrist" fascists under Obama.  In 2012, I believe that the rEVOLution comes to power backed by 70% or so of the country (to stop the War on Iraq, the War on Iran, the War on Civil Liberties, and to abolish the New New Deal that will create and prolong the 2nd Great Depression and the 1st New Deal along with it).

    I believe the totalitarians are destined to lose because they will reach too far, bringing our 2nd American Revolution to power.

  2. The us is turning to a police state.The patriot act was already in circulation before 9/11 and changes were made without the congress not knowing.It was printed around 4am and had to be voted on by 11am that day therefore it was not read by many of them and it was raced through.The govt. wants to install rfid chips in people and has.The govt has been building concentration camps for the american people.Its been practicing eugenics for years by deadly vaccinations like guardacil for young girls.When our founding fathers drew up the constitution it was to get away from the oppresive british govt and we're heading right back to square one.The list goes on and on.Youtube has these videos to back this up.Fema concentration camps;Repeal the patriot act,guardacil is it a hoax,endgame by alex jones and many other informative videos.

  3. Not at all.

    You claim that Americans are 'living in fear.'  Can you describe exactly what I am supposed to be living in fear of?  (Did I not get the memo or something?)

    Media only manipulates the intellectually lazy.  And even then they are frequently clueless themselves.

    IS education declining?  And if so - shouldn't the parents be attending school board meetings to demand change?

    Can you provide specifics as to exactly what I cannot do today that I could do prior to the passage of the patriot Act?  Have you ever even read this law - or are you making the mistake of only listening to somebody's opinions?  (In fact have you ever considered that the people against the Patriot act have their own agenda and propaganda?)

    Can you provide us with examples of this 'propaganda' we see every day?  (Do you even know what propaganda is?)

  4. No because you can ask this question.

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