
USA Concentration Camps? Why do we have them? I'm Scared!?

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I saw on youtube a video of a military controlled area that has the same things that a concentration camp had when hitler started them. I am a young teen and read and watched things on the holacost and am very scared of it even when someone just says hitler I dont understand why they would make anything like a concentration camp and people tell other people how bad it was and how thankful that america is a free nation but i am still scared and i dont understand why they would build anything with the same things! such as: warehouse size furnaces, bared unclosed area with train rails inside the area with signs saying where to go and destinations and huge prison with things like barracks! I AM SCARED OUT OF MY MIND I AM SHAKING WRITING THIS! They say it was one of the worst things ever in history and should never happen again but still US built one! What if some terrorist takes over and sees we have those places and puts americans in it! I dont understand at all!!




  1. They are called prisons.  (Didn't you listen to what you were hearing....PRISON CAMPS.)  Don't break laws and you won't go to prison.  Prison isn't  Disneyworld.  

    Get your news from somewhere other than Youtube and you won't have to embarrass yourself like this again.  If that "scared" you so badly, I recommend professional help.

  2. Don't believe everything you see on YouTube.  Any crackpot can put up anything.  Errant nonsense.  Get a grip.

  3. there must be room for a couple of million of the enemies yet to be named. the new wire tapping law just approved in the u.s. congress should help generate a very accurate list of those who threaten our freedom and liberty. it will become very clear once this election process is finished.

  4. "I saw on youtube a video of a military controlled area that has the same things that a concentration camp had when hitler started them."

    Wrong.  What you saw did not show a single innocent person.

  5. Rex84 started along time ago.They are real.And it is the globalists that will put resistors to the NWO in there.They are not fantasy.

  6. It's called a Prison. It's where criminals go. Dumb bass.

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