
USA U-19 Lacrosse Team?

by Guest33003  |  earlier

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I am interested in trying out for the U-19 USA lacrosse team in the next couple years and know I have a serious chance at making it aswell. How do I get noticed, I come from a school that is not even state wide known, let alone nationally known. I have a consistant save rate of 60% as a freshman. I am determined to get better. What do i do?




  1. was on side lines under 19 at coquitlam british colombia . was also called a liar by a young lady on this site . over the sticks that syracuse womens team uses . just happened that i coached this man in minor lacrosse , they do use harrow sticks , nice try though . 60% as as a frshman good . shows weak strong side defence . you will be noticed by college , team usa scouts . join club leaque as a underaged player . go to every team practice that you can find in your city . many players will stay late to help you . as aunior you will be 65 to 67% range . simplest advice . use your skills to fake the shooter , make the fake opposite to were you want him to shoot . goalie fakes are the most important aspect of forcing shots were you want them , not were the shooter wants them . what is good for the goose works better for the gander . try to watch games , try to think like the shooter . your save percentage is all physical . mental process , is your next step . take every oppurtunity to have a experianced shooter explain why thwey shoot from a certain range . practice sideline outlets . learn to stick handle . dont be afraid to run the ball up field . you have the physical ability no question . it is just practice . mental focus , think like a shooter . fake the shooter . have your coach contact usa lacrosse . simple letter will get attention . and to the young lady that called me a liar . you dont have the rings to qualify your absurb state ment . you dont have a hall of fame induction . you have not played for your country . or profesionally . i hope you enjoy the sport as much as i did and still do . mine was box lacrosse . also limited field for team canada . you dissrespected a hall of fame player , member of team of the century . unfourtantly for you . immpossible achievments for you . young man , you will play into college and beyond . the friends you make in lacrosse are friends for life .

  2. Well to be completely honest thats not gonna cut it. If you want to waste your time trying out for the U-19 team go for it. Your going to have to be recruited by the Top 10 D-1 schools in the nation, the johns hopkins the uva's the dukes, to be even considered for the tryout and Im talking full ride to those places not "oh you can come and walk on". If you are not an all american don't even try to get it and seing as you come from a school that is not even state wide known, my guess is that you play an easy schedule where well over half the shots you get are stick side high lollipops. And im not even over exaggerating with a 60% save rate even as a freshman is not even close to good enough. Get those numbers up around 85-90 and combine all of those things to get a shot at trying out. ONLY THE BEST 120 PLAYERS IN THE NATION GET TO TRY OUT.

    The U-19 team is the 23 greatest players in the nation and I am 99.9% sure you are not going to be one of them. You have to be a freak athlete and a freak lacrosse player. It seems like you are so sure you can make the team but have you played against any real competition if you know what that is.

    And what state/school do you play for? And have you been noticed by any schools yet?

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