
USA V RUSSIA WW3 will it happen, who will win?

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I think USA gov is totally out of control, USA troops were stationed in Georgia at the time of the Georgia Russia conflict, Georgian has increased its military budget 25 times over the past five years and all the weapons and training have been coming from the USA.

Now the states are sending war ships to Georgia with "aid" and constantly increasing the military in the region. Not to mention signing deals with Poland to place missile Silos pointing at Russia in Poland.

I think WW3 is going to start before Bush leaves office cus he wants to go out with a bang! it'll start with some stupid little dispute over international waters like a plane being shot down or ship being blown up and end up in full on Nuclear war.

Whadda ya reckon?




  1. Stop and take a breath. You are hyperventilating. Calm down a little. Everything will be fine. WW3 has been starting since 1948.

    The USA would pulverize Russia and they know it. So they will not start WW3 now, anymore than they started it when they were actually powerful.

  2. Nobody, least of all Bush, is out to start WW3. It would be impossible to figure who would win- US has a bigger, better army but Russia has never been successfully invaded or conquered in modern times.

    First of all, I believe that the Georgian President made a huge strategic miscalculation. He sent his solidiers into South Ossetia, counting on support from his "allies" if Russia got out of hand. All he got was a lot of nice speeches telling Russia to behave and stop being a meanie.

    Moral of the story.......just because the US sells you guns and trains your army and calls you "friend" and NATO smiles and makes nice speeches about you joining up, doesn't mean that they are willing to start a war with Russia on your behalf.

    So Georgia ended up picking a fight with somebody that was way bigger than them. And got soundly and embarassingly trounced for being silly.

    But then Russia went and got stupid.  If the Russians had been content to leave it at just giving Georgia a spanking, it would have been alright. They could easily have kept the terms of the Sarkozy-cease fire deal and pulled out. But they continued to put troops into Georgia. From the time they left the disputed areas of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and ventured on undisputed Georgian soil, they were in the wrong.

    Part of this is probably Russian anoyance over that missile array in Poland (ironically by not honouring the cease fire, they probably triggered the signing of that US-Poland missile deal). But Russia is wasting time complaining about that missile system, they can't do jack about it, they might as well just live with it. Or build something that can wipe it out, if that'll make them feel better.

    Part of it is almost certainly related to the oil pipe lines that cross Georgia and which Russia can't control. That pipe line seems to irritate the Russians.

    Btw, I am not a big fan of George II , but I don't think that he wants to leave office with a "bang" that involves fighting. In fact I think he has looked back on his tenure and realised that he will go down in history as a "war president" and a "warmongerer". He doesn't want that.

    Listen to his rhetoric recently- its a lot less confrontational and not so "with-us-or-against-us". Look at the frantic push his administration is making to get a mid-east peace deal. I think he wants some kind legacy of peace before he leaves office. Unfortunately it may be too late for that.

  3. The war in Georgia is about the NeoCons trying to control transshipment routes for Caspian Sea oil.

    The NeoCons are also trying to start up another Cold War because their war in Iraq, that they want to keep going for another 100 years, is quickly coming to an end due to the wishes of the Iraqi government.

    Cold Wars are more "PC" than sending America's kids off to die in the desert in an attempt to control oil resources.

    WWIII will be between the US and China.

    China has already won.

    They outnumber the US 3 to 1.

    They are leaner and meaner.

    They already have nukes.

    The US becomes more and more in debt to China every day due to the failed economic and foreign policies of Bush and the NeoCons.

  4. The atomic bomb was only ever used in anger twice both against Japan over 65 years ago. Since then we have developed the hydrogen bomb far more powerfull than its predecessor.This bomb has been the cause of world peace ever since those fatefull days. No country ,in their right senses will ever use it as it spells complete destruction of any countries involved.Having said that the US MUST stop antagonizing Russia with their planned missile site in Poland and MUST remove it warships from Georgian waters. If the US really want another cold war they are certainly going the right way to start it.

  5. No, we wont go into war before bush goes out of office. he already is on the sh.. list.  he doesn't want to make it worse, I think he will let the new pres. take that step. I believe we will be going to war with Russia and it will be our last war. if Russia goes to war with us, dont you think that China will join in with Russia to wipe us out? it will be the last war because everybody  will be useing nuclear weapons on each other. I see this war as the prophecy of 2012 , that is the end of the world as seen by the Myans and the Inkas. they both say that the world be coming to an end on Dec.31, 2012. it sounds like it can be done if we go to war with the communist. both China and Russia have many more soldiors than we do.  April

  6. Try the De-Caf.

  7. Dude...lets hope your prediction is wrong.  I still have a lot of life to live.  But ever since the conflict broke out, I have been trying to come up with scenarios using the game board Risk.  No answers yet though.

  8. Uncle Sam is demanding a cold war with Russia so he can shift American's focus from all troubled domestic issues to international tension. If there is a WWIII,  Russia, China, and most of the Muslim nations will be on the other side and one should have a good sense who is going to win the war.

  9. Yeah, it would be a stupid little dispute as long as it wasn't your son or daughter in the plane or boat, right?

    As for war with Russia, that isn't going to be the big one. That will be with China and with all the border issue between Russia and China, I'm betting that the two of them will be at the center of it all.

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