
USA and ISRAEL start war with IRAN ?

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Do you think, If US and Israel attack, will Iran response?




  1. Iran will start the war, and yes, I'm sure if Israel defends itself, Iran will fight back.

    Dr Watson (UK):  You must be kidding.  We wouldn't ask you to join us.

  2. Well the US won't be attacking Iran but Israel might.

    Would Iran respond.....well they could try but Israel would destroy them

  3. Iran has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the map in addition to arming Iraqi and Afghan fighters. They are also ignoring all diplomatics attempts to stop their nuclear programs. I believe they started this one.

  4. Obviously --- Iran officials at every level have said, there will be fierce response in case of attack. There is no doubt about it if Israel attacks it will lead to full war.

  5. WHAT??!! With all the economic problems, America wants a THIRD war?  I think the UK has run out of troops, so I hope they don't expect us to join in.

    Sek 98: Glad to hear it !

  6. i think they will. you know Iran has been threatening Israel for along time now. If you read the Holy Bible it tells you about all this. The USA needs to stand behind the Holy Land. We need to stand up for Israel.

  7. If Israel dares to launch a GD attack on Iran we should attack Israel. That is such a crock of sheet. Carter noted that Israel had at last 150 nuclear missiles and they threaten to attack another nation? Completely out of "Dr. Strangelove!"

    Fruitcakes are talking up this sheet.

  8. Iran will defend itself to the extent it is capable of doing so. It is unclear, however, whether Iran is capable of generating a military response beyond its borders and into Israel.

    By all accounts the Iranian people are chafing under the leadership of Ahmadinejad. The Iranian economy is underperforming and unresponsive to a wide range of needs and wants. Iranians are generally unhappy with their relative isolation from Europe and Asia and, most importantly, America.

    The focus of American and Israeli political leaders should not be on the crazies, of whom Ahmadinejad is the foremost symbolic leader. Instead our focus should be on broadening economic transactions and athletic, educational and cultural exchanges with the majority of rational Iranians who populate this country.

    Iranians are ready for change. Let's not miscalculate where the sympathies of the majority of them lie. Which is to say that most Iranians want peace and an opportunity to experience relative prosperity. So let's figure out how we can subvert Ahmadinejad by promoting a diplomatic agenda with Iran that promotes peace and prosperity thereby advancing American and Israeli interests by broadening Iran's middle class and its nascent entrepreneurial class.

  9. of course they will,would you just sit there and let someone beat the h**l out of you or would you fight back?

  10. It won't happen but they would have to attempt a response, surely.

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