
USA great depression, stock market crash 2008/2009?

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I've been reading a lot,and seeing a lot of YT vids where people are claiming that there is a massive depression (worse than the 1929 Wall street crash) coming. People are saying that it is going to be so bad, that it Martial Law will be initiated due to food riots most likely.

FEMA camps will be used!?

I dont know much about economics, but if such a thing DID occur obviously the rest of the world WILL be affected - but by how much?

I live in New Zealand: our top 5 exports are from agriculture - if there is a great depression in such a mass-populated place like the US (350million right) then obviously exports will be down and NZ economy will crash.... I'm I doing the math right here?

How badly will further countrys like mine be affected?




  1. Maybe you should understand how the previous "great depression" crash occured (margin trading) to understand how that won't happen again. Now, downswings will occur, and they will affect virtually every other country across the world, as many investments are tied to the US stock market.

  2. Things are not going well, but I dont think there will be a crash.  Unfortunately the last 30 years have been properous for many.  The next few will be a time to tighten up a bit.

    You are correct that a US crash would affect the world...but there are many governments that dont want that to happen...and granted a few that do.

  3. 1. The thang different is the hous krash kauz all the problems.  That never happen B4.  Fix hous problems is a much sloer process.  Standard guvt fix for ekon problems is loer interest rates & flood the markets with cheep kash.  Fed tried that.  Dont werk.

    2. After all this time, "experts" still argu bout wot kauzed the Grate Depresshun.  & nobody ever find a guvt wae tu fix it.  Guvts tried as sorts av thangs & sum seemed tu help a littel but dont solv basik problem.

    Hitler solved the depresshun bi start a littel war.

    3. Sins nowon no wot tu du tu fix tudae's problem, will end up:

    let it be & in 3-4 yeers thangs settel down tu more-or-less normal.

  4. I don't think there will be a great depression.  A recession, maybe, even that is iffy.  

    If you want to see how your country would be affected by a depression in the u.s., I would suggest you check your history.  And see what happened to your country in the last depression.

    'Don't be irrationally depressed, the world doesn't end that often' Brian Rogers @ TRowe Price.


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