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    No hesitation!


  2. no to either or... USA and France have things in common, have some heritage together. The architect Pierre L'Enfant designed the City of Washington, DC for George Washington. Thomas Jefferson, a diplomat, lived in Paris, France for a good while; so did Benjamin Franklin. Their ideas and ideals were influenced by French thinking. So the very liberty, fraternity and equality that Americans cherish came out of the French Revolution. Read about the French Revolution, we could learn a thing or two from them.

  3. what what?!

    which do i like better?

    which one has better cheese?

    which one has a higher concentration of lead?

    what? thank you lady above for feeling what many of us are feleling.

    please expand on you question :)

  4. which one starts more wars?

    hmmmm...let me see...

    how provocative 3 words in what isn't even a sentence can be

  5. USA

  6. I prefer USA

  7. Uhm...

    Which one I have been to?

    Which one I would prefer to go to?

    Which one I would advice you to go?


  8. " I would rather be a lamp post in New York than the President of France".

    Popeye Doyle, French Connection 2.

  9. Can't decide! I'm American but I've lived in France. I'm going to have to go with the better food and the better quality of life, so..... FRANCE.

  10. Need you to specify the area of comparison you're trying to make.

  11. USA!  California girl now living in Paris married to a Frenchman.  I have found the quality of life to be quite low. In addition, people are not as friendly and inherently kind to one another.  Good food does not replace civility.

  12. USA for sure

    USA certainement

  13. For you ??? USA definitely - as you'll NEVER be a french

  14. france is nice, but they smoke a lot so no, i prefer USA
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