
USA post office do not send things via surface anymore..... is their a private postal service that does this?

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I'm a Brit living in the USA, I'm frequently sending things to my family i.e. clothing, chocolate, books, photos etc. I used to send them via surface mail but now the US Postal Service has dropped surface mail and sends only via airmail. This is way too expensive for me to use. I was wondering if there was a cheaper alternative? I cannot be the generous son/brother/uncle anymore as the airmail postage rates kills me.

Thank you very much for any help received.




  1. You alreadt know that Parcel Post is not an option becasue it is trucked and it is a Domestic service.

    I am afraid that there are not any alternatives for your problem. You could try making your packages under 4 pounds and using First Class mail International. It may be less expensive than Priority Mail International.

    You would have to provide your own packaging materials. With Priority Mail, you can use boxes provided by the USPS.

  2. Are you sending things back to your country? If so, how can they do it by truck? Just curious. I think by air is the only way.

    Have you tried parcel post, it takes longer, but it's less expencive. Also there are some flat rate Proirity boxes and you can cram all kinds of stuff in there.

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