
USA vs Russia (Georgia) what are we gonna do??

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So far all we have done is tell them to stop, meanwhile they are finishing off Georgia and doing whatever they want. Boy I would not wanna be one of US allys over there right now, we left them out to dry. Have we really lost our teeth? It would seem so..we're at the mercy of the Shieks, Chinese and Indian (outsources)




  1. it's more of a Russia vs Ego. Georgia isn't part of NATO. The alliance isn't that formal. If it's more of a press publicity. The right thing is being done right now. Humanitarian and diplomatic going beyond that is giving the Russians a huge favour.

  2. What do you mean we? I'm going to work and pay my bills. I could care less about Russia or Georgia.

  3. Bill...Bill O' Reilly,is that you?

  4. Are you thinking of sending the American troops fighting the Russians in Georgia?

    If that would happen..believe me the third world war would begin.This is not like other wars America is having.This is between two world great and super powers.

    The only way to settle this thing down,is to try to make another cease-fire deal with the Russians and this time we make the points very specific and clear so that they won't break it again!

    However,Georgia have some blame.They shouldn't have attaked South Ossetia.

  5. america world police is at it again...only this time they are picking on someone who actually matches up well with the u.s., in nuke terms of course...we have blundering idiots as leaders...

  6. we urge the europeans to stop them.

  7. Some of the main reasons that we did/have not done anything more there is because we do not want to go into another war without more support from allies. (Though we seem to be somewhat on the same page) Another thing is that Bush can not go into another war without the liberal people of this nation going crazy and protesting even more about it. Even if it is helping out a nation that helped us out in Iraq.

    But now Russia is threatening to attack Poland if they assist the US in the missile shield program...

    Bush can not do to much right now, but whoever is the next President will have to deal with it anyways...

  8. What do you want to happen? I hope you didn't except the US to go into Gerogia and fight with the Russians. That would be the worst thing to do. Do you want the US to go in there and be the police of the world again? That would be the worst thing to do. Stop watching so much TV, none of the news channels are non bias.  

  9. I take it you are in favor of starting a nuclear war?  Diplomacy first.

  10. Dude... I think you've been watching too many Fox News reports.. You actually SOUND like a Fox News Headline...

  11. If you care nothing about Russia or Georgia, then you care nothing of democracy or freedom ( you are a fool ) Something definitely needs to be done before it escalates to open War. Everyone seems to be forgetting, right now Russia is still our friend, and until that changes ( hopefully it won't ) we have to hope that diplomacy will curb the troubles, I personally don't like the idea of sending our Sons and Daughters to war with one of the biggest nations in the world, necessary is necessary and right now its not, so lets all cross our fingers and hope it doesnt go that far..

  12. You have to understand that if the US marched in and fought Russia, World War 3 would kick off. So you see they have to do all they can without using force. Theres no one that would like to see Russia get forced out of Georgia than me but... World War 3? No, just think of all the countrys that would get dragged into that.

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