
USAF basic training question?

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Do you do PT before or after breakfast? Im new to cardio, but I know that you need fuel in your body for a run or else your performance will suffer, or you can get sick. But i've also heard some people say its better to eat after. I know there will be no choices. So what is it?




  1. Most of your PT will be shortly after rising, at around 0530 or so.  You really need an hour or more after a large meal before you work out vigorously and that just doesn't jive with the basic training regimen.  I used to sneak a couple of Snickers bars into my "personal drawer" and scarf them around 0445 just before reveille.  It made a big difference.  Modern energy & protein bars will do you even better than that as they're not so laden with raw sugar and you don't "peak and crash" as badly.  Do be warned that it's generally against the rules but if you're cautious you can probably get away with it.

    Edit:  You'll have a small amount of time for shopping in the BX from time to time since you have to purchase your own personal care items like toothbrushes, soap, toothpaste, shaving gear, etc.  Just be careful!

  2. In the summer you do it in the morning. In fall and winter you do it in the afternoon. You eat what you can in what little time you have, no energy bars are available, you have to learn to eat fast if you want to have a lot of food, otherwise you'll learn to do without.  

  3. Eat after /  You will do PT after making your bed, go back clean up dorm some, shower, eat, march, march, class, march, lunch, more classes and more marching.


    @dded : Food in the Dorm is a big NO-NO-NO! Start now getting use to working out some early in the AM before you eat.

  4. Before

    We did PT, then showered and went to breakfast.

  5. It depends on when you go to basic if you do PT in the morning or afternoon.  "Winter" which is Texan for "less hot" is from October to April.  Trainees normally work out in the afternoon during Winter but its not uncommon to have a really hot day in which case they will move your PT to the morning to accommdate.  

  6. Before. They'll throw the lights on and you will have just a few minutes to get out on the "pad". Condition yourself now for a 5 am wake up and get out as quickly as you can and do an am jog for about a mile or so, do some sit ups, some push ups and such and eat breakfast. Don't get caught sneaking food into the dorm as this could get you extra duty as "latrine queen", or picking up cigarette butts and earning you a 341 (which is not good).

    You will have time at the evening meal, so you will not need to sneak anything into the dorm as they do periodic checks for "contraband".

    PS: check email :)

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