
USB DATA TRAVELER -how do they work?

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I have a KINGSTON 2GB USB 2.0 data traveler. My question is technical...I plug it in and it works. But since I have jpg images --it does want to load automatically all the photos etc. Now

a. do all usb work the same way? is there any difference among the makers? which one is best?

b. how do u prevent the usb from unloading once you plug it in...any easy method...please explain...thanks a lot...

(Basicly what I need is a reliable data traveler --that would work on different machines and will start to upload and unload on my command..hope u can help!!!)




  1. That loading is because of the programs running in the computer you stick it in, not by the USB itselff.  The only thing I can suggest (dunno if it works) is to password protect the carpet containing your photos.

  2. Typically, the behavior of a USB memory stick like that is determined by the operating system controlling the computer rather than the USB stick itself.

  3. USB Thumb Drives come in two basic flavors depending on how the manufacturer chose to program them.  Windows either reports it as a Disk Drive, or Removable Disk.  Most manufacturers program them as Removable media which makes the computer think it's equivalent to the memory card of a digital camera, hence the Auto-play feature.

    Auto-play is a windows setting and will be different on every computer you use.  However, Window's auto-play will never remove the files from your drive.  If there is another piece of software running from a digital camera manufacturer, it could potentially auto-remove your pictures.

    But the drive should work on every other system you use as it is.

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