
USMC Military Bonus? how does it work?

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How does bonuses work? can I use it after boot camp and can I send it to family members? Is it different for each branch of service?




  1. what few bonuses the Marines offer are tied to specific factors.. typically you must successfully complete all your training and report to your first duty station before it is paid out.  28% will be taken off the top in taxes.  the remainder is paid out, depending on the size of it..either in one lump sum(under $10K) or in equally yearly installments spread out over the enlistment.  

    All Branches pretty much do it the same way.  

  2. My fiance is in the Marine Corps, and he was under the impression that he would get his sign on bonus after he finished school, however, you don't get it until your contract is up.

    After your four years, or how ever many you're enlisted for, that's when you get it. Not before. You don't sign up and they hand you a check. You have to fulfill your contract first.

  3. How does bonuses work?

    - There are different types of bonuses that you can receive for different things. Unlike other branches the USMC doesn't automatically give out bonuses. You can earn one for scoring over a certain number on the ASVAB, being a "quick ship", shipping earlier then your original date, choosing a critically needed MOS, and a few other things.

    Can I use it after boot camp?

    -If you receive a bonus that applies after you complete boot camp, then yes... You can use it after boot camp. However, some bonuses require you to complete your MOS school before receiving the bonus.

    Can I send it to family members?


    Is it different for each branch of service?

    -Yes. Its also different within each branch. They offer different amounts based on the MOS you pick, when you ship, what you score on the ASVAB, etc.

  4. You can do what you like with it. It's cash in your pocket. But unless you got it tax-free somehow be ready for a large chunk of it to be taken out for taxes.

  5. Yes, each service is different.

    The AF rarely pays enlistment bonus

    The Marine Corps never pays enlistment bonus's

    The Navy rarely pays them.

    The Army pays most of the bonus's.

    Generally you receive half your bonus, after AIT, with the other half, being divided into equal parts, paid yearly over your enlistment.

    The bonus is taxed.

    The military doesn't care what you do with your bonus.

    You can recieve enlistment bonus's and bonus's for enlisting in a specific job.

    Of course, you have to pass your training, to get those bonus's.

  6. Depending on what type of bonus you are to receive, (enlistment or MOS) you'll either get the bonus upon completion of boot camp or completion of your MOS school. I don't know if things have changed (again) since I left a few years ago, but when I received my bonus I opted for half up front, then installments each year of my enlistment. You can chose to have it lump sum (all at once) or portioned out like mine was. Your bonus is yours, you can do whatever you want with it! I am sure other branches (other than Marines) have different ways of distributing their bonuses, maybe one of them can clue you in if there is much of a difference.

    Semper Fi!

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