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I am looking to buy a postal scale primary for weighing packages, I usually ship USPS only. It would benefit me with alot on time saving, Having a scale to weigh items myself. Rather then taking them to the post office for weighing. It would also help to estimate charges better for my buyers, To provide them with better shipping rates. I know there are alot of scales out there. I am looking to purchase one off of ebay. I would prefer to have one that weighs range from 1oz-100 pounds. I do not wish to spend over 50 dollars, On one. I am simply asking. What scale do you use? Or if not, What scale have you heard about that is good?




  1. I have a nice cheap one I got off ebay for like ten bucks with shipping.  I'm pretty sure it won't handle no 100 lbs though.  Good luck.

    In practice I find I use the automated shipping calculator down at the post office most of the time anyway.

  2. If I HIGHLY recommend getting one from "oldwillknott" on ebay.  They've got kinda hokey marketing, but the ultraship scale products are great.

    We bought one of the cheapo ones for only $20- an UltraShip 55  (up to 55 lbs), and have used it all day, every day, for over three years...not a single problem.  The weight has stayed completely accurate (down to a 10th of an ounce).  We use it for all our carton shipping, and all our letter mail too.

    We found this 55lb scale was plenty for us.  They have a 75lb cheap scale also, but that's the highest of the cheap ultraship line.

    If you are only shipping USPS, you don't need a 100lb scale. The max USPS will ship is a 70lb package.

    The ultraship scales are's very lightweight, and the body is just plastic.  But we've dropped ours and banged it around like crazy over the years...and it's always worked. Absolutely the very best $20 we have ever spent.

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