
USPS question. please someone help!!!!1?

by  |  earlier

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okay. i mailed cash in the mail by usps. i know that it is dumb to, but i did not find out about money orders until after. i mailed cash about 5 days ago. i put two 42cent stamps on the letter just in case. i made sure that if someone put the letter to the sunlight they would not be able to see it. the person that i mailed it to is honest that she has not received my money yet. is there some sort of delay or something? please anyone tell me what is going on.




  1. All you can do now is call the Post Office and report a missing letter.  They'll do their best to track it, possibly finding it in the process.

  2. It might be a delay, BUT mailing cash over USPS is not the best.  I've had really bad luck as well with that...  I would say, yes, it might be a delay, and hope that it is, but also don't be surprised when your money never shows.

  3. I believe if you have your receipt you can go to the postoffice and they can use that to track it.

    Also the PO is slow (Snail mail) and things can take around 7-10 days to deliver.  You need to take into consideration when you shipped it.  

    Good Luck

  4. most likely yea it was delayed. usps takes a while to deliver stuff. chances she should recieve it soon. it takes dem usually a week. (7 days)

  5. I once sent money through the mail to, the person got it though. Sometimes USPS can be slow, so just wait a few days more. Good luck

  6. sometimes ship. do get delay but if its been more than 10days ur ship was lost or either stolen.

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