
UTI and cant go to the doctor?

by  |  earlier

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im almost positive i have a UTI because going to the bathroom has never been so painful, when i do pee [seems like every ten minutes] there is almost nothing, and then i see spots of blood, so im pretty sure its a UTI, and as of now i bought cystex

which is just a pill to help the pain and control the infection, but can this help prevent me from seeing the doctor?

and how long after you smoke does it remain in your body?




  1. I have had UTIs before. Here is what you can do:

    Buy some AZO brand pain medication at your local drugstore for the discomfort.(it may turn your pee orange which is normal) Drink a TON of water and cranberry juice. Wear loose fitting underwear, and make an appointment with your doctor. When the doctor does a test for a UTI, they will not look for anything like marijuana in the urine so don't worry about that. The will just be looking for bacteria. Try and get to a doctor as soon as your can to get an antibiotic. Feel better soon!

  2. Nope. You HAVE GOT to see a DOCTOR! If you don't it will end up as a kidney infection and could damage your kidneys. Then you would end up in the hospital which is much more expensive. They DO NOT check for drugs in a UTI test.

  3. Cranberry juice works wonders for UTI, when u say smoke I assume you mean marijuana, it depends on how much & how often u smoke. If u are a regular smoker then it takes about 30 days. If u only smoke like a joint every once in a while cranberry juice & water, or apple cidar vinegar will clean u out fast. I smoke heavily & can clean my system in 24 hours by drinking cranberry juice & water all day 2 days b4 test.

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