
UTI returned after finishing anti-biotics?

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2 weeks ago I got UTI till the point where it bled when I urinated so I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Bactrim, however each day I would get a severe headache so I went back and he prescribed me Macrobid which was better. I finished the anti-biotic on Wednesday, however yesterday I had protected s*x and everything felt fine until now.

When I urinated there was a burning sensation afterwards >_< So I assumed my infection wasn't cleared or it came back. I did pee afterwards after intercourse. I have been drinking water and cranberry juice always, even now. Should I go back to my doctor?

Definitely staying away from intercourse for a while. Usually how long should one wait to have intercourse when the UTI is gone?




  1. You should definitely be tested again to make sure the infection has not returned. If this becomes and ongoing thing you should see a Uralogist. I was having recurrent UTI&#039;s for so long, I did everything that I thought I was supposed to do...wipe front to back, urinate before and after intercourse, I got to the point were I would shower before and after intercourse and then I got to the point were I would shower after a had a BM. I finally found a great Urologist and he diagnosed me with a condition that is basically a narrow urethra that makes me prone to UTI&#039;s, I have to get a procedure done every couple of years were he dilates my urethra. Hopefully your case is a simple case of the wrong antibiotic or not enough, they should be making sure the urine culture comes back as responding to the antibiotic your on. There is also the possibility that the antibiotics caused a yeast infection, they can cause a burning sensation when you urinate. But get another test done to be safe.

  2. After 10 years of reoccuring UTIs, and antibiotics.  Peein straight blood.  and no more than a couple of weeks would go by without symtoms coming right back i got sent to a urologist who looked in my kidney and bladder and then he did a procedure to lengthen and widen my urethra,  so far so good.  its almost been a year and i havent had any UTIs.  Im still supposed to take an antibiotic after any kind and s*x, but then that might get out of hand.  Good luck.  

  3. My first thought is that you should go back to the doc and have him do another urine test and send the sample for a culture and sensitivity so the correct antibiotic to kill the bacteria is sure to be prescribed.  Make sure you take the entire prescription as ordered, keep yourself well-hydrated, and yep...sounds like you are going to want to give your urethra a break by not having s*x until you are completely healed.  What most women don&#039;t realize is that intercourse can really irritate the urethra as well as allowing potential microorganisms to enter the urinary tract.  Just tell him no for a few weeks until you are doing better!

  4. First, just because you finished the antibiotic course, doesn&#039;t mean your UTI was gone.

    Not to mention, consider the fact that perhaps your partner also has a UTI, and that the bacteria that caused your UTI could have come from his hands or any other part of his body that touched you.  If any part of his body came in contact with you, even for a second, pre-condom, that&#039;s all it takes for bacteria to transfer from him to you.

    The symptoms of a UTI are more prominent in women than in men, so he may not even know he has one.  Get yourself a home test (now available over the counter in any drug store or place like Walmart) and have him take a test.  Re-test yourself to see if you still have an infection.  Then get back to your doctor.

    You should also know that once you get a UTI, you are more prone to recurrences.  Plus, antibiotics kill good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria.

    Give your body time to recover after you&#039;re sure an antibiotic course has done its job.  Be sure you&#039;re clear of the UTI before having s*x again.  And if you&#039;re prone to UTI&#039;s, you may have to change your habits before s*x, and ensure both you and your partner are clean before engaging.

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