
UfO cahsing Hacker to be extridited! how can you stop this or at least speak out against it?

by  |  earlier

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  2. the government has a lot of secrets that they don't want us to know about. ; )

  3. Only 70 years?  I'd give him double that.

  4. Sounds like all he did was break in and look around. If the government doesn't want people looking into their stuff they need to take security a little more seriously instead of looking for a scapegoat to take it out on. They are trying to make an example of this guy, he really doesn't deserve 70 years in prison, that's insane.

    Can you say "cruel and unusual punishment"?

    edit: and the $700,000 in damage is exaggerated. Kind of like when someone puts a dent in your car, you get it appraised for $3000 when it actually costs $200 to fix and you pocket the difference. Get it?

  5. It's funny how the lawlords decide that it was right to stop the investingation into the British Govt / Saudi Arms scandal , yet they're all for sending this guy to be crucfied in the US.

    Yes he broke the law , but he should be tried and punished here under British Law.

    If he's extradited he'll probably end up in Guantanamo Bay

  6. Why? he broke the law he should be held accountable

  7. This bloke causes $700,000 worth of damage and shuts an entire system down for 24 hours and your saying he shouldn't be prosecuted? Get real!

    He is no different to the other lowlifes who write Trojans and viruses. The US know how to deal with people like him. One things certain, he'll never touch another computer in his life time when they get hold of him, and good riddance to him to!

    You wont get any support from me.

  8. serves him right

    we live in what we call a SOCIETY and this has laws

    if you break any of these laws you get punished..

    if you dont want to live by the law go make your own country and get out of mine..

    hang the git thats what i say..

    if he had broken into your house would you still feel sorry for him NO YOU WOULDNT.

    well he broke into another persons property (albeit that was a computer) but it wasnt his computer .....

    i hate people who get caught then cry about it.........

    if you cant do the time dont do the crime.......

    he is just a smart arsed git who thought he wouldnt get caught...

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