
Ufc 2009 video game.?

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the official trailer came out last week and it's not the same as the chuck liddel with rampage one but it's gameplay is still tight and.

but did not see any elbows on the ground is there going to be any elbows in the game????




  1. It look slike it's a pretty complete game at this point. I don't know if there are going to be elbows, maybe you could look for a move list on the company site.

  2. Of course. Go to the bottom of the page and watch the gameplay part 1 and 2. This is different then what came out last week. What they showed awhile back wasn't game play. The link below is and remember this doesn't even come out for another 9 months or so. Page two of the user movies has the first round which is part 1.

  3. it didnt look the same as the trailer but looked cool i didnt see elbows neither but im sure there will be.. cant wait for it to come out

  4. They haven't released a list on controls/moves yet. There is a lot of speculation, but nothing for sure. THQ (the games developer though) also makes the WWE games, so don't get your hopes too high. This game could either be really awesome, with semi-elaborate two stick control scheme, or it could be really lame with simple button schemes (like the WWE games). We'll have to keep waiting and find out.

  5. Dude of course there is. THAT GAME WILL BE BAD A$$
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