
Ufc fight: rampage vs Forrest?

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who won?




  1. Aha, Forrest won.

    My dad was pissed.


  2. This was a tough fight to watch because I really liked BOTH fighters - we would cheer for each of them when they got in a good shot! ;-)

    I do have a slight pref for Forrest because he's funny and I like his personality, PLUS he has TONS of heart and never gives up.  He can take the worst beating and then come back and end up winning the match.  You gotta respect that.

    However, at the end of this fight I couldn't have told you who clearly won, it was SO CLOSE.  I was a bit surprised they gave it to Forrest since it's normally pretty hard to unseat the reigning champion without some really convincing strikes and ground-n-pound.  

    On the other hand though, Forrest was the aggressor the entire fight and in UFC more points are awarded to the more aggressive fighter (with points subtracted from the fighter who seemed to be on the defense most of the time).

    I would have understood either outcome actually, but I was happy to see Forrest win --- and very impressed to see how classy Rampage was about the loss.  He complimented Forrest's fighting techniques, said straight out that he got his @ss whooped, and is still great friends with Forrest.  He was a real stand up dude to be so gracious after such a close fight.  It made me like him even more!

  3. i think rampage let forrest win

  4. my heart

  5. forrest , then rampage got arrested from driving erratic and is in being held for mental health evaluation

  6. Rampage won with out a doubt...Like its said for a challenger to win a defender he must prove more then leg kicks

    and I hate both of them but ramp more

  7. Forrest!


  8. forrest won, rampage almost got in the first round tho. Forrest came back with a bunch of leg kicks and eventually wore rampage out. the fight went all 5 rounds and forrest won by judges dec.

  9. DRAW!!!!! haha Forrest he's white yeah!!!!

  10. forrest won. not even close.

  11. FORREST all the way!!!!!!

  12. Forrest! I am glad he won, because I don't like Rampage.

  13. when was it on??? i missed it :(

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