
Ufo abduct cow! is this real or fake? watch video?

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this cow was abducted in japan. if you see closely in the sky where the cow disappears, you see a faint white round object that quickly moves to the left as soon as the cow disappears.

the next day, the cow was found dead with all of it's blood and organs, tongue, and an eye sucked out in a near by forest.

is this real?

or is it fake?




  1. It is a total fraud. Completely (udder!!) fake. (get it, an utter?)

    Do NOT believe anything you see on the internet.

  2. they were hungry :P

  3. WOW!!that was sooo bad.I have heard of these stories and seen pictures of these mutilations but this video was really bad.HOAX.Try this web page and see if they have any of these stories on file.

  4. the only thing i can say is that i'm too scared to watch it. O___o

    lmao! but i'm sure it's just fake. i mean, it was probably a regular video of a cow. someone could have done some editing (nerd maybe) to make it look like the cow was being taken away by aliens.

    anyways...i thought all aliens went to Mexico?


  5. I sure hope it's  fake.!!!! I kinda wonder why it would happen just when someone has a video camera there.

  6. I'm going to go against the grain here.  I don't think this is as obvious a hoax as some people here are suggesting.  I don't believe the cow was photo-shopped.  The big white blob could very easily have been, and it wasn't a very impressive job at that.  But that cow has me wondering.  I wonder if they sometimes haul cattle out by helicopter.  If so, then it could have been that, and the white blob was put in to disguise the helicopter.  This would also explain why the cow just disappeared when it got to the blob.

    But then my problem would be: where are the people who had to rig the animal up?  They wouldn't just leave it there for a long period of time after a harness was put on.

    I don't like to see wholesale criticisms of a video or photo without a credible explanation for what might have actually happened.  Let me go look at this again.  I might come back with a better explanation, or I might delete my answer, just because I am not confident of my explanation.

  7. Would be the easiest thing in the world to fake footage like that. First clue to it being fake? The words "Area 51 productions" in the title. As in "we produced this fake clip"...

    If I had filmed something like that I would have put up the original video on a dedicated server for everyone to see and scrutinize. I would not have put it up on youtube...

  8. This is fake. If it were real, don't you think the news guys would be all over it? Don't you think it'd be in newspapers, magazines ... etc?

    It's a clever fake - nothimg more.

  9. its a fake, just when the cow gets close to the "UFO" it just dissaprears into thin air. you can see the frame stop and then it shows the UFO move away

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