
Ufo propulsion?

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does anyone have a theory on how a UFO can move without a sound and be so agile?




  1. Maybe by using magnetic lines of force.

  2. This comment is for David....if you're so much against this category and the things found in it, then why are you even here?

  3. because they only exist in your imagination and anything is possible in there !

  4. They are probably driven by atomic fuel, evidence of dead plantation and nothing growing there for ages, following a landing by a UFO would suggest this.

  5. There are some nice innovative answers as given above, it is only a matter of giving opportunity to such good minds to make progress in aerospace technology

  6. There are a few possibilities:

    1) Not all UFOs  are technological. Some may actually be an as yet unidentified life form. Some folks have taken pictures of these things ; "rods" I think they are called. But they move extraordinarily fast and are had to see;  harder to photograph.

    But even the glowing ones may be some kind of  freaky plasma-based life form native to our own planet that we have yet to identify and categorize.

    2) Some UFOs may be extra-dimensional. That is, they are objects from another dimension, but because we are only four dimensional (three spatial, one temporal) we can't really see them except as objects that change shape, color, speed, then vanish.

    3) But my favorite idea is  that UFOs can cancel out inertia so that they can travel at great speeds (maybe even faster than light), make right angle turns, an travel faster than sound without leaving a sonic boom.  This may even be technologically possible in our near future if folks like Haisch, Rueda, and Puthoff are right about why we have inertia.

  7. I have no idea... Ive seen them in a far place.

  8. Think of a UFO as a watermelon seed. When you compress the energy around it, it will take off like a shot. Ufo propulsion could be like compressing some gravitational force or energy continuously around a protective field, the inhabitants would be oblivious to the forces around them outside the craft.

    By applying a field of energy around the Ufo totally encapsulating it, then it could travel at the speed at which energy travels and cloak the matter inside.

    Gyroscopic fields inside the Ufo would stabilize the ocupants so they would feel upright.

    Just a theory.

    PSI - Stanton is a hoot, you gotta love him.

  9. Theoretically perhaps they use Etheric matter propulsion technology with has some type of infinite amount of energy to travel at "light speed". it is soundless i think due to the fact they Just don't use an engine like ours. Theirs must be purely based on some type of element of energy unknown.

    Just my guess.

  10. The theory is to produce a gravitational disturbance - at a fixed point ahead of the craft. Much in the same way as placing a heavy ball on a sheet, then placing your craft- a marble on the same plane - will roll towards the area of gravity.

    Have a look at element 115 - (link)

    Considering they are in posession of a large quantity of the element, and also - that we cannot produce it except in very small quantities - work out how we got it in the first place!

    The US is also experimenting with electrostatics. Strangely, these have been proven to work best on a smooth saucer shape - see link on 'lifters' on you tube, and similar anti-gravity effects using high voltages.

  11. I'm not saying they exist or don't exist, but assuming access to huge amounts of power thrusters operating on the acceleration of ionized air would work well, and give you the needed agility. they'd also mess wih electronics as some UFOlogists note.

  12. their technology is far more advanced than ours.  they use quantum physics for sure,  magnets and water too.

  13. idk

    why you wanna know?

  14. Maybe; ufos disengage from cosmic motions, like the earth's revolution around the sun, while everything in our world and the moon too revolves around the sun maybe they have a way to disengage??

  15. I have several theories, however it needs to be adjusted to the particular type of UFO that is spotted.

    1) The UFO is actually a plane, or group of planes flying very high in the air, beyond the range of hearing the engines, and percieved as a low flying object.

    2) The UFO is actually a nice clear viewing of Venus. Yes, the 3rd biggest object in the sky (sun, moon, venus) is not often seen since it always follows the suns movement. It is very beautiful and bigger than most stars, and being close to the horizon, it moves faster than one would expect to see.

    3) On very dark nights with some cloud cover, a few stars could be seen on a very dark background. The eyes can move involuntarily due to a lack of context, and this is perceived by the brain as the group of stars moving. Of course, seeing a group of stars zooming around silently would not be percieved as stars, but a single object with several lights on it zooming around in the earths atmosphere.

    Does that help?

  16. Yes, someone does I would try reading up on Stanton Friedman (link below).


  17. Maybe somehow there technology is so brilliant that

    When the UFO moves it moves at about 1 milli second a mile this causes to be so fast to impossible for our ears to head or we make so much noise that there noise it yet to paranormal to be heard

  18. I made one from Balsa wood and a dry cleaning bag.We used tea candles and hot air as propulsion.I have to admit we sacrificed agility.

    A spacecraft UFO from another dimension or galaxy.Would need an energy source,far more advanced.I can't even guess what it would be.
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