
Uggg...hating my "haircut" I have very curly hair please some advice?

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A week ago I tried a new place to get my hair trimmed since I knew my ends were pretty bad and I have a problem with the hair in the back of my head being short so I could get something done to help that. Well a week before that I went into Trade Secret and I talked to the girl at the counter and she had curly hair a lot like me and I could relate a lot of stuff to her and I asked her if she knew any good hairstylists who knew how to cut curly hair and she said another girl that worked there was good and my mom made an appointment with her. Well I went there and I asked for a trim and my hair used to be about 3-4 inches past myshoulders and now they are just barely on my shoulders and I've never had layers in my hair before and she said I should have some so she gave me them and now my hair looks really wierd and it poofs out super more than it did and I'm using all the same products that I always have. I'm just sooo bummed (and a lot worse than that) about it and school starts in 5 days and I'm just freaking out I dont know what to do. I can't straighten my hair worth sh*t I've tried many times using good straighteners and I just hate it it looks like an effin triangle. Is there anything to make your hair grow faster or something? Or extremely good curly hair products bcuz I use good products but they just don't seem to be doing anything and its the ends that are the worst they bounce up and look like crapola. Ug sorry for complaining I'm just effin pissed!




  1. i have curly hair to :]

    in the mornings before school i wet my hair, brush it wet then flick my hair over so my head is upside down and all my hair is hang down and i put some mousse in my hands (i use shockwaves twirl it heat defense mousse) and just scrunch it and then i leave it to dry on its own while i do everything else. it doesn't look as good whilst wet but when it drys it looks really nice (i think) i don't blow dry but i guess you could try.

    EDIT:   try tht idea =]

    Zoee x

  2. That to much work. Hair hate that I tell my daughters. Woman to only keep own hair color but make shiny gloss. On body keep all hair always. It not true to ones womanself to remove this hair.  

  3. Girl, there's nothing worse than having a bad haircut...especially back to school time.  I have curly hair too, so I understand.  I would suggest getting it cut a little shorter to even it up with your layers.  And I would go to someone different!!! Good luck!!

  4. i totally know how you feel it happened to me when i was having my communion...UGH!i looked like c**p but your is just for school so i would put your hair up in some kinda ponytail until it grows and try to use long term relationship by herbal essences i heard it works or try googling long hair shampoos...oh and i also heard that putting cold water on your roots everyday helps it grow i mean hair only grows half an inch a month

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