
Uggg.. men and jealousy.. why? ?

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I dated a friends of mine for the last 9 months. We have been friends for 4 years tho. He moved 500 miles away in one direction, while i moved 500 miles away in the other direction. We have decided that the most important thing is to stay friends.

I know he is going to see other girls and I am fine with that, but he has been texting me things that he knows are touchy subjects (about other girls) purposely trying to make me jealous.

He is the one who says the friendship is the most important thing and that he wants me in his life as a friend 10 years from now.

I am fine with him dating, I am even fine with him talking to me about other girls (even though it has only been 2 weeks since the move) but this is getting upsetting and frustrating. He knows what he is doing and he is trying to get to me. Can you explain why he would be trying to do this?




  1. Hi!  This happened to me once many many years ago when I was a teenager and had been dating this girl since 2nd yr High School We decided to become a real couple 12 months before she went away...I am 59yrs old now and a Male. She moved 2000 kms away to a much better job. We decided to be just friends all the time she was away and maybe even later become a couple again, but after a month I kept getting that awful discussion during our Phone calls..the Net and mobile fones were not invented then!! Anyway I was happy for her to go out with other fellas..well we were just friends..but always she would bring up the question of who I am taking out or what did I do with here etc. Finally this became too much for me and so I had to tell her that we were JUST FRIENDS now and not a couple because of the situation she and I must lead a separate life both trusting each other. If she was not prepared to do that then we must call it quits on the relationship that was to be in the future. Well we separated and went our way and I met another girl and I have been happilly married [38yrs] ever since while my so called friend has had the most turbulent life being married 3 times all because of her jelousy.

    I suggest you do the same and seriously tell your partner it is over. Distance does not help any relationship and you may be glad also that you found out what he is like now and not later down the track where you would be much more devastaed and he would  harder to get over. 9 months is really not a is only the start of one. Do it now and save the heartache.


  2. women get just as jealous if not more jealous than men

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