
Uggghhh what can i doo??

by  |  earlier

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Okay soo this isn't gunna sound that bad, but believe me it fcuking sucks. So last summer I wasn't such a good kid, I snuck out a couple of times, and got caught. Obviously grounded for ever and yeah end of story. Well this summer I snuck out ONCE and yeah my psycho A S S mom caught me and now shes basically taken away everything from me, Shes took away my car, my fcuking life and she now treats me like im a 15yr old and its really pushing me to the edge.. She wont let me do S**t. I'll be next door and she'll call me every 30 mins asking what im doing, who im i took out the trash and she thought i was high, so she drug tested me. of course it was negative I DONT DO DRUGS, im not a bad kid..i just dont know why shes treating me like this...WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE HER CHANGE!!!! im moving out in a year, and after that im not gunna wanna talk to her any more, cuz shes pushing me away... UGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. You're blaming your mom for your situation, but you made the decision to break the rules.   Now you have to deal with the consequences.  When you're an adult, if you break the law you go to jail.  

    If you want to repair your relationship with your mom, show some maturity and apologize to her.  Tell her you understand why you're being punished and that you are going to follow the rules.  Then stay away from the door and don't give her attitude.

  2. You lost her trust, what did you expect to happen?

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